Chapter 1 - A painful origin

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All my life...there was never a time wherein I was free from despair. I was never a lucky girl...I never experienced freedom or hope...Mother tries her best to make me happy. But her way of showing her love to me is odd. Father never cared about me or mother. I never saw him ever since that day. Mother is working as a secretary, but I know that there's one side of her that I don't know about. She would always come back home late at night, she never allowed me to go in her room, and there were always these weird artifacts I see in our home...but mother said that those were just souvenirs.

I don't know what to do anymore...I encounter misery wherever I go. My home was the only safest place for me. The students at school hate me...going into malls or convenience stores isn't safe either. There's a big chance I'll get accused, kidnapped, framed, or robbed. Will I ever have a day that I'll experience freedom? Freedom from this despair I mean. Always shifting the blame towards me, fabricating stories to prove their innocence, making excuses for why I'm always the problem...I'm tired of all that...No matter what school I move to it just happens all over again!

I've tried looking at the bright side of all this...but there's nothing...nothing at all! It's just despair, despair, despair, DESPAIR! Despair all over again! I come across agony no matter where I go... But even so, I don't want all these negative emotions to drive me to maybe I'll just...go with the flow of my life. I can just accept it perhaps...

I suddenly heard my alarm ring. It's another new day...a gloomy one though. But that isn't surprising, it's always a gloomy day. I get up from my comfy bed and head to the bathroom. I brush my medium-length hair and brush my teeth. Mother probably left for work already...She's working hard to provide for me...I then head to the kitchen to make my breakfast. It was 7:00 AM, and it was Saturday. So I don't have to worry about school for now. I open the curtains and windows of the living room. Birds were happily chirping in the trees and the sound of the wind brushing through the leaves and my hair is soothing...I take a glance at the bright blue sky...maybe this day won't be so gloomy this time...I suddenly realized that my 17th birthday But I don't expect much from it, ever since then my birthday never meant anything to me.

Unless mother has thought of something again...but I highly doubt that. Hmm...this might be the right time to explore my mother's room. She doesn't arrive back home until 10 PM. I steadily finished my breakfast and made my way to Mother's room. As I stood in front of the door, numerous questions filled my head. Why am I doing this? What's in there? Do I want to know what's inside? Is it safe? Those questions just kept me from touching the doorknob. I shook my head, trying to ignore those intrusive thoughts of mine...I tried opening the door, but as expected it was locked. I faintly heard music coming from inside...

It sounded like...a music box...What was a music box doing inside mother's room? I leaned towards the door, placing my ear on it. I'm not wrong...there's a music box playing a calming melody. But...something about that melody scares me. It's like telling me that I don't want to know what's inside. However, that just makes me more curious. Mother isn't naive, so I don't think a hairpin would unlock this door that easily. There might be a detector or a camera somewhere. Or I just overthinking all this? I tried opening the door once more, but it doesn't budge. I took a hairpin out of my pocket and right before I was about to lock pick, I heard the doorbell. Who could that be? Did mother arrive early this time? can't be.

I head towards the front door and asked who it was. But there was no response. I looked through the peephole, and to my surprise, no one was there. Did someone deliver a package? I gently opened the door. I looked around to see if anyone was watching, as I looked down there was a small package before my feet. I slowly picked it up. There was a note on the box. It says "Don't open this package until I get back" there was a smiley face at the end. I assume this is sent by mother, considering it says "until I get back". I wonder what it could be...I closed the front door and placed the box on the kitchen counter. I then head to the living room not thinking about anything. You know another odd thing in my home that bothers me...are the books here that I've read. I couldn't go out to the public library that much due to my mother's instructions. I couldn't go to my school's library either because...for some reason, my mother gave specific instructions to the school. I was forbidden from that library, mother told me that I'm only allowed to read the books we have at home. The strange thing about the books I've read here is...half of it was mostly about manipulation...Well, manipulation wasn't the main idea of the book, but it was usually the main problem. It was like...mother wanted me to learn about manipulation...maybe I'm overthinking all of this again? Was she preparing me for something?

Mother had always told me that I was a clever child...when she heard about the incidents at school that involve me being bullied...she told me that I deserve better for I was special. She said that "bullying" was an act of jealousy. But what is there to be jealous of? I had nothing...she told me that those who hurt me had wishes. But those wishes were like scraps of irony. It was an act of bitterness. She said those who lock up the weak, are the weak themselves. Though I didn't understand those words. But something tells me that a certain truth will be revealed today...

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