Chapter 1: Our What?!

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Me and my vest friend Emily met in the first year of middle school. In the final, we found out we were siblings, and got our own place together. Going into high school, about 2 weeks before the start of school is where our story begins.

Emily and I were just setting up our recording for Zelda: Wind Waker HD. A/N: very soon, my channel will be starting at All of a sudden, my phone went off. "Hmmm. Unknown number. I don't answer unknown numbers." I declined the call and waited for the voicemail. I put it on speaker to listen. "Hello? Is this Blair Parker? Um... this is Usagi Tsukino, here with my sisters Ami, Rei, Makoto, and Minako...well, your sisters too. You see, our parents died, and left us a note saying to find you. We are at the airport now. Can you come get us? We'll explain more when we meet." I looked at Emily, my face astounded. "Sisters?!" We spoke together, then Emily continued, "Usagi? Hmm. Japanese maybe? Do you think they were telling the truth?" I shook my head to get my bearings then said, "Only one way to find out. Shall we go get them? We've got the van. We can take that." So me and Emily left the recording room and drove to the airport to meet our quote, unquote, "sisters."

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