chapter 6

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The next month or so went quite the same for katsuki he went to school on the weekdays did all his work and record and write some new songs while he had some free time and on the weekends he went home and got beaten the usual that has happened his whole life

But today is a little different today is the day the villains are going to be going the school they is only going to be 6 to start off with but hopefully more will join as the years go by the 6 villains starting today are Touya Todoroki formerly know as Dabi, Tomura Shigaraki, Kai Chisaki formally known as overhaul, twice he doesn't want to say his real name, Himiko toga, and Kurugiri

Katsuki is happy that is plan is working and the villains that never got a chance to choice what or who they came have real chance at a normal life now katsuki is sat in class with his headphones is with his notepad in front of his with a pen in his hand

A tune coming through the headphones as he tries to think of lyrics to it he has the first line 'i get overwhelmed so easily My anxiety creeps inside of me, Makes it hard to breathe, What's come over me?, Feels like I'm somebody else' he humms the tune but is broken out of his thoughts as he feels someone tap his shoulder he quickly closes his notepad and turns around to see denki smiling down at him

"Yes?" He says a little annoyed he was just about to write more but now it is gone "the villain rehab students are here!" katsuki look up to the front to see aizawa stood with 6 people he has seen before but hasn't met formally well as katsuki bakugou anyways

Katsukis face face slightly pink as he takes his headphones off and puts them and the pad away muttering a sorry "now that i have everyone's attention these as you obviously know are villains or where they are here to change the singer ground zero came to me with an idea of a villain rehab so me and other heroes have talked it over and we think it is a good idea it helps people become better people and saves more lives in the long run!"

The class explodes into questions about if this is safe or what will happen if they are just faking it to get information aizawa obviously is getting fed up with their shouting so katsuki lets off a couple explosion shutting everyone one up rather quickly aizawa nods in katsukis direction in thanks

"Now that you have all shut your mouths ground zero has vouched for badi and shigaraki and has said he will take full responsibility and the full force of the consequences if this fails but he is very doubtful it will so let's all try our best to make this work" the majority of the class nods and smiles at their new slightly older classmates

"Now do what you want i'm taking a nap" and with that aizawa lays down in his sleeping bag and goes to sleep and the class starts to ask the former villains questions they answer the questions as best they can but the class backs off once they see how uncomfortable they are about some of the subjects

"I can not believe any of you actually believe that these monsters actually want to change and the fact that ground zero is vouching for them makes it ten times worse!" kagakure says uraraka and asuyi nod in agreement making the people stood at the front confused

"Why would the fact that zero is helping us make this matter worse?" touya asks but the three girls just ignore them and go on with their little gossip group the former villains turn to the rest of the class for answers

"They do not like ground zero they think he fakes all his singing" izuku says rolling his eyes and the stupid statment the girls made at the beggining of the year "so they think be are even worse people because a singer said he would take the fall for the school if we did bad things in the time we are here?" kai clarified making the class chuckle and nod their heads

"So what made you all decide to change?" tokoyami asks the question everyone wanted to know but didn't want to ask and make them even more uncomfortable "well we didn't really want to be villains in the first place but he didn't really have a choice once we realised we could have done something about it we were already classed as the villains until ground zero came up to me and shiggy about a month ago with this idea!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2023 ⏰

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