When I get all steamed up, hear me shout!

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Three Years Ago

It almost could have been any other day at school. Izuku was in the same jacket and tie, although his mother had insisted on a shiny pair of black shoes that would be wholly useless if a villain chose today of all days to attack U.A. They were slick on the bottom and completely unformed to Izuku's feet. So no, not exactly like any other day.

"Congrats, nerd," Katsuki said, sidling up to Izuku with his hands in his pant pockets, slouching them even further than they already were.

"Thanks, Kacchan!" Izuku bubbled. "You too!"

Katsuki grinned with one cheek. "I meant the tie, dumbass. Why would I congratulate you on the diploma—we all got the same one."

There had only been one period in time when Izuku had truly thought he'd graduate from U.A., a brief flash in time from first year. The time of his entry up until he'd left school in the winter. And never again thereafter.

No one quirkless had ever attended U.A.'s hero course. But here he was: the first.

"Oh," Izuku chuckled, looking down at his uniform. In addition to the new shoes, his tie was affixed properly, hanging down by his waist instead of thick and stubby up against his chest. "Yeah...figured the occasion called for it." He gestured to Katsuki, who was wearing the same red tie, albeit with an inscrutable knot. "Seems you thought the same."

"Yeah, well," Katsuki griped with a roll of his eyes, "the hag woulda pulled me off the stage if I picked up the damn paper without one, so whatever. Now you finally get to see me with the noose."

Izuku had heard that Katsuki had once worn a tie to appeal to Principal Nedzu and Endeavor two years back, but no one had thought to provide photographic evidence. Granted, it was eighteen witnesses against one Bakugou Katsuki, but still, it wasn't the same as seeing it. Whatever normalcy the day was disguised with, it was shattered by the sight of Katsuki in a proper tie.

"You're lucky we're going into a field where you almost never have to wear one." Izuku grinned.

"Make it actually never, and then we can call it lucky," Katsuki said. He looked to the side, in the direction of Shouto taking a nice picture with his mom, and Endeavor awkwardly off to the side. "And switch it so that old fogey is working for me. I'm no fucker's underling."

"One year, Kacchan," Izuku reminded. "And then more independence. Endeavor won't want to micromanage us anyway. He trusts us by now. It's a perfect fit."



Izuku turned to where his mom was standing with the Bakugous, waving over at him.

"I think it's time to go," Izuku murmured.

Katsuki said nothing but walked alongside Izuku as they made their way over to their parents on the green between a number of the school buildings and facilities. In the distance was a tent and temporary stage set up that was already being taken down with just a few stragglers remaining for pictures.

"Izuku..." Inko murmured as they drew near, her eyes watering again. She'd alternated between bawling and sniffling into her sleeve all day—Izuku could hardly look at her lest he start tearing up himself.

"Let's go, Mom." Izuku wrapped an arm around her shoulder and began to lead her away. In his last couple years of school, he'd put a couple additional inches on her, so her head rested comfortably against his shoulder. "Goodbye, Auntie, Uncle."

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