Chapter 1. "I want that dream to continue."

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*note: this sign "<3" is put in front of the main characters thought's

"You liked me, didn't you...?" That was the last thing I heard him say before waking up. You know, I usually don't see dreams like that. In fact, I don't really see dreams often. But this... this was the first time that I wanted my dream to continue.

<3 "Was it real? Was I actually expecting something more to happen..?"

Anyway, my normal morning routine blurred out all my thoughts. But.... as soon as I sat down on the bus, my thoughts just..... just began flowing again.

<3 "Should I just tell him? I know Kim for 4 years now, right? I see him every day and he'll probably understand, but..... what if he doesn't?"

With all these things on my mind, I missed my station and had to walk back for 1,5 kilometers. Since I was already late, I didn't really care. All my thoughts didn't even let me care about anything else.

"Alt! Why are you late by 20 minutes again!? I will not let you pass....."

Our lector didn't worry me at all at that time. I just mumbled something like "Sorry, Miss Ignenko" and sat down. And why did it have to be Kim....

<3 "Oh wait... I could just ask my bestie to tell him. Ugh, nah, he'll definitely say no..."

"Dude, you better listen. The test's next week." said Kim and gently nudged me with his elbow.

<3 "Ugh... not now please and DO NOT ask me why I'm acting so weird this morning.... you know what? You're right, studying will help me keep my mind off it."

I am indeed lucky, Art History is the only class where I sit next to Kim. Next on the list was Philosophy.

"Ugh... another hour and a half of nothing interesting... at least I can ask my lector for advice"

After listening to the tired voice of an annoyed young man talking for an hour, I stood up and talked with my professor. That man knew me well enough to help me.

"Mateo, can I ask you for some advice? So like, you know that guy Kim, right? Can you please help me ask him out?"

"Well, I don't really know... Valentine's day won't be soon. I would just recommend you to say it, but I don't know if he's gay, nor do I know if he's single..."

"Ehh... I don't know...."

"Look, Alt, you should probably just text him. Come out and all..."

"I guess. Thank you anyway."

Next up we had to practice setting up the lights. It was a good opportunity for my brain to finally relax from all these thoughts about Kim. I still couldn't study though. I was constantly thinking about how to stop thinking for another 3 hours about anything....

After all the lessons have finished I decided to walk home rather than take a bus just to stop thinking completely... Sadly enough for me, I couldn't entertain myself for too long like that. I-... I just can't help it. I have a crush on someone for the first time ever.

<3 "But... how will people react....? 90% of people in my surroundings are homophobic dipshits... I'll probably lose all my friends if I come out as gay... only Mateo knows... not even my best friend..."


<3 "ugh... not him... not my bestie"

Arel. A beautiful tall young man that could be the boyfriend of the dream, if not for his nail-biting habit and bitchy personality. Do not let Arel lure you into his trap with his beautiful face, deep green eyes, and blond fluffy hair. To be completely honest, I regret I ever met him.

A... Dream?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora