When the Past Comes Back to Haunt You

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Woo! Finally this story is off the ground! I've had this idea in the back of my head for years now, only finally started developing it seriously within the past few months, and now it's here!

Artwork and character refs for this AU are courtesy of Ray over on Twitter. Go check out his art over there or read some of his stories over here! They're really good.
https://twitter.com/esqers (18+ only)

Fair warning, I'm making up this plot as I go along. I have no idea where it's going or where it'll end up XD


"Run, you fucking idiot!"

"I've got this, Error! Just relax already!"

Error looked to the skeleton in front of him, gritting his teeth as he saw another group of shambling undead make their way towards them. His partner was in front, dealing with the majority of the horde that had come down on them. Armed with a scythe and crudely made body armour, the cloaked skeleton faced the zombies head-on in melee range. His bravado wouldn't save him from the sheer numbers coming their way though, and Error knew it. "You dumbass, there's more coming! We need to fall back Reaper!"

"I told you, I can handle this!" Reaper called back, expertly pushing back the zombies swarming him to put them in perfect range of his scythe. The one saving grace of the idiot was that he was smart enough to go for the neck, cutting the heads of the zombies clean off and neutralizing them in the most efficient manner.

The dark-boned skeleton on the other hand preferred his guns; handgun for precise headshots and shotgun for downing multiple targets at once. His magic was still an effective weapon as well, though he usually used his strings for tactical maneuvers instead of offense to save himself the energy draw.

One such tactical maneuver was him forcing Reaper to retreat, which he had to do more often than he cared to. "Ugh, I don't have the patience to deal with your stupidity right now!" Holstering his handgun, a hand came up to his eyes only to come back tangled in blue strings. With practiced grace, his hand shot out in Reaper's direction, the strings obeying his will and wrapping around the cloaked skeleton's waist. Before the other could say anything, Error yanked back on the strings, forcibly disengaging Reaper and pulling him back to Error's side.

"What the hell, Error?!" The taller immediately screamed, rounding on his partner before gesturing wildly at the undead slowly making their way towards to pair. "I told you I had them! Why the hell did you..." When Reaper finally turned to actually look at where he was gesturing, his voice gave out and his empty sockets went wide as he took note of all of the zombies now flooding down the street that they were fighting in. "Holy shit, that's a lot of zoms!"

"I tried to tell you!" The dark-boned skeleton pointed out, releasing his hold on the strings and letting them fade out of existence as the pair started to run. "But nooo, I'm Reaper and I know best! Why do you make it so damn hard to keep my promise?!"

"Sorry dude, sorry!" Reaper let his scythe vanish, making it easier for the two to run at full speed away from the zombies chasing them. "I'm more than willing to listen to whatever genius plan you've got to get us out of this mess though!"

"Oh, you mean the mess that you caused?!" Blocking out the stream of apologies that poured from Reaper's mouth, Error took to analyzing their environment for any place to hide or distract the horde with. His first instinct was to lead them into the alleys, knowing that it would be easier to break line of sight with the horde. Zombies hunted their prey mainly through sight and sound, so thankfully it was really easy to lose them by taking multiple turns away from them. The only risk was coming across a zombie in a narrow passageway, but they could handle one or two far easier than the swarm behind them.

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