The Phone call Sammie x Harley

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Sammie got a phone call from her biggest crush, Harley.  "Come over to my house now." Said Harley demanding.  "What why?" Said sammie confused. Sammie decided not to ask questions and follow orders, so she put on a jacket to keep her warm and some sexy red lingerie. She arrived at Harley's house and knocked on the door, the door opened but it seemed as if no one was there. Sammie walked into Harley's house, still confused. Just then a hand grabbed her's and pulled her into the bedroom. Sammie saw Harley. "What are you wearing under there?" Harley said biting her lips. "Wouldn't you like to know?" Sammie said teasingly. "Hell yeah." Said Harley, she couldn't wait any longer. "Find out for yourself" Sammie said. Harley then quickly unzipped her jacket and saw the lingerie. "You bad, bad, badd girl.." Harley said. "Please give me your white juicy whale sperm please baby" Said Sammie desperately "Wait one second" Harley said, then she walked out of the room. After 2 minutes Harley came back with tape and  handcuffs. Harley tied Sammie's feet to the foot board and her hands to the Bed front. Then she taped her mouth shut. "Tell me how bad you want my whale sperm slut." Said Harley "mmhhh" Said Sammie desperately trying to speak "Oh right, you can't babygirl." Said Harley chuckling. Then Harley started licking Sammie's feet just like how Annii did when she was with Noah Neck. Suddenly ghost face came in through the window and asked what their favorite scary movie was, They answered and went back to Harley licking Sammie's feet intensely .. Harley slowly started to lick higher until she got to her VAGINA. "Oh what's this?" Said Harley "hmm hmm" Sammie was trying to say "Don't luck there it's sensitive" but Sammie didn't care. She stood up and told Sammie to spread her legs, Sammie did it with no hesitation. Then Harley took off her panties and stuck her whole leg in her VAGINA. "ABMAAHA" yelled Sammie, she couldn't handle pleasure and pain at the same time. Harley started to laugh maniacally and moved her leg fast and intense. Sammie started spitting under the tape! She kept moving her waist up and down which cause her VAGINA to slowly rip. Harley then punched Sammie in the nose. "I just wanted to kill you. You thought I would actually want to fuck you? Ha! What a dumb fool. Thank you so much!! For being so dumb." Said Harley. SHE MOVED HER LEG FASTER AND FASTER. Then she broke Sammie's body in half. She ripped out Sammie's heart and ate it she also ate her intestines . THE PHONE CALL - By Joohye, A story for the glamour entertainment discord server.

Harley X Sammie fanfic for glamour entertainment By joohyeWhere stories live. Discover now