Freddy Remembers, His Feeling Have ...ChAanNgEd...

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[Hello, My Sexy Muffins! I am here with a new chapter! At long last, I am back, and just like William Afton! I always come back! So please Enjoy this chapter. Freddy, he does remember you!]

(No One's POV)

Freddy was in his room, waiting for the cleaner when he hears the door open. He looked to see Michael and... His circuits felt like they may stop. Superstar? Freddy knew who she was, little (Name). Though when he met her, she was much smaller, and her body did not match up to who she was. Looks like both of those things have changed since he had last seen her. He had told her to never come back!

"(Name)?" Freddy asks, looking at her, and Michael looks at her.

"You already met Freddy?" Micheal asks.

(Name) nods her head. "Yeah, when I was a kid." She says, smiling at Freddy. "It has been a long time Freddy."

(Freddy's POV)

My faceplate heats up when she says my name, and my ears twitch. She grew up, my eyes scanned her, and it seemed like it was the first time seeing her. I notice a file in the background of my software seems to be downloading. I do not bother checking what it is. I am just focused on My little superstar.

"So Freddy. (Name) has to clean you." Micheal tells me. "Do you mind if she gets to work?"

She would be... touching me... I see a flash across my screen of the file downloaded and installed, and my face plate heats up even more. I really like the idea, but maybe I like it too much. It was a good thing I was not in adult mode. Child-friendly mode keeping me from ...doing what I want with her~

"That is fine," I say, and she got to work, gently scrapping off chunks of cake that have hardened a bit.

Michael says he will return soon as he has to handle a call.

"Oh, we will be fine. Freddy will always be good to me!" She calls to Michael and looks at me with a smile. "You will be good to me, won't you, Freddy?"

"Yes, of course, I will always be good to you, my superstar." He tells her.

She nodded her head and got to work cleaning me. "Man, you sure did get messy. Some kids."

"They did not mean it," I say.

"I know. I could not imagine having kids." She tells me. "Freddy, do... do you remember everything that happens?"

My eyes went a bit hard. "Yes, I do," I tell her.

"I think I know who had been killing back then. It was that yellow bunny suit. I think it was William Afton." She says, and I stop.

William Afton? The Owner?

What was my little superstar thinking? Was she putting herself at risk? Did she come back to stop him?

I have to help her, and I have to keep her safe no matter what.

[YASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS another chapter is done, and I hope you all enjoyed it. YES, WE NOW HAVE A PLOT! Anyways stay sexy, all of my sexy muffins!] 

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