first day impressions

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it was evening in the esper union tower after he had agreed to join with the union they had taken him straight there to get settled in it was a small guest room if you could even call it that as it had a full bathroom and queen size bed with two night stands and a dresser with a large tv mounted to the wall. they told him they would come around to get him later the next day which led to his current predicament " y/n! you awake in there yet its past noon and you still have to meet the commander and head medic for your check up." i groaned as the banging pressisted but knew it was time to get up "ya ya i hear you just give me a dame second." now that the knocking had subsided i rubbed the sleep out of my eyes and scanning my room  seeing nothing amiss i held back a yawn as i put on what little i took of before i went to bed before he registered what the other person said "wait what do you mean medic and commander surely they have better thing to do then bothering with a new recruit?" he opened the door to see brynn on the other side " well its mostly for evaluations of you as to test your combat ability and your heath, its nothing to worry about i did to and passed with flying colors and im not that good of a fighter compared to some that we have here at the union."i rolled my eyes great first thing i get to do when i wake up is get the shit beat out of me and asked 100 questions. "o joy sounds like o so much fun." i followed her till we made it to wherever the hell she was taking me "welp good luck hot shot this is as far as i go" i grinned "what dont want to see the new guy get his ass kicked?" she laughed "i would love to see that but i've been called for a mission brief so your on your own from here."  a mission brief huh i filed that tab bit away for later "well wish me luck on my survival." as i gave a two finger salute walking though the doors as the door closed i heard a faint good luck as the door clicked shut.

I looked around the room looking for this commander before my eyes fell on to a thin tall lady looking out the window over the city i was about to say hello before a peacock spawned from god knows were alerting the lady to my presence "hmm so your the new recruit?" she stepped from the window before she started to circle me seeming scanning me for something while making me on edge was she the commander?  and why was she playing mental games animales did this kind of thing to sizes their prey up "you seem in good health if not underweight and tense you can calm down im the head medic clara it is a pleasure to meet you." she stuck out her hand and i shook it, i was more amazed that she was able to get all that information just from a few laps around him " thanks i think? im light but i'm sure you knew that already." she hummed in thought before looking past the door behind me "you can come out now lin i'm finished with my initial observation" i turned around and watched the door while question how the hell she knew someone was behind the door  a second later the door opened and a holy fuck why was she so fucking BUFF a women wearing all white came in i barley noticed the ears and tail as i was to focused on the the rest of the absolut unit that now stood in front of me, "please tell me your not the commander that i am supposed to spar with" lin only grinned before shifting focus to the medic "so what did you think he fit for a fight or does it need to be put on hold? clara only hummed for a moment " just don't go beating light to where he he sees stars id hate for are second meeting to being du to your ability to not hold back lin." f.u.c.k she wasn't good at holding back did not sound good for himself being having said her peace she left the training room, with her gone i was immediately aware of everything i could be waiting for even the slightest movement that she was going to move. "before we start i suppose i should explain the reason were doing this is, see by sparring against a commander we can gage what level of combat you are ready for or what type of missions you are able to do to without getting yourself killed understand so far?" i nodded " good this being said you can go on missions that a a bit above your pay grade as long as the rest of the team you bring are equal to the mission or even higher , this test will last for ten minutes max if you are put into a kill position or knocked out the sapr will end and i will grade you off how you did understand still." i nod again seemed fair straight forward the basic objective being survive a skill he was VARY good in. "good then the test starts now!" as she lunged at me.          

936 words give or take a few school has been keeping we away from the story but i guess i cant lay all blame to it solely i got lazy with the story and kinda forgot about for a small time but im coming back around to it i also looked thought the detail of the story and there seems to be a major drop off in how far you all read a chapter after the first one and i wonder why please leave constructive feedback so i can improve and give you a better reading experience other then that i hope you all have a wonderful day night noon evening.

song of the night : carry on wayward son 
artist neoni.  

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12, 2023 ⏰

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