Chapter 1 - Infiltration

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Operation time - 1230
PVT Josef Ramos
Infiltration of Combat Drone factory in Moscow, Russia. Captain Laelani Smith and Private Ramos have had their SUV damaged by an enemy aerial combat drone and are now under attack by an enemy sniper.

Laelani:"Josef! Get up Private! We need to move!"
Pushing himself off the ground Josef shook his head before looking around realizing that he was surrounded by the flaming remnants of what was once his transport truck. His captain and ally helped him to his feet.
Josef: "Captain Laelani ma'am what happened?" Before he could get a response a loud snap caught his attention, almost tripping over his own feet he cried "Sniper!" The two comrades sprinted to a nearby steel barrier. Scanning their surrounding Josef spoke between breaths, "Where did the shot come from?"
Laelani: "I don't know; just keep your head down." Laelani grabbed the radio upon her belt, "This is Alpha Actual; our transport has been ambushed and is taking sniper fire" "Wei do you read me? The radio returned nothing but static. "Piece of junk!" Throwing the radio to the side she gripped her FNL SCAR-L. "Well that was my plan, any ideas?"
Josef thought for a moment and sees a building they can enter "There if you can cover me I'll sprint to the building." Laelani peers over the barrier and sees the building "Good find kid, right I'll cover you and get the snipers attention and when you get into the building find a vantage point and cover me with this" she hands Josef a Blaser R93 Tactical "Now go and good luck kid"

Laelani: "3,2,1,Go!"
Laelani snaps out of cover firing at the snipers position and with the attack the sniper can't retaliate
Laelani: "Come get some bitch!" She says while nodding to Josef. Josef breaks out of cover and sprints to the building, kicking the door down and making his way up to a vantage point and starts laying down cover fire, Laelani then sprints to the building and joins Josef at the vantage point.
Laelani: "Nice work kid, keep firing while I sneak up on him."
Josef: "Roger that ma'am" and Josef keeps firing while Laelani straps on a hidden blade and leaves the building and sneaks across to the hiding spot of the enemy sniper and stabs him in the jugular with her hidden blade. As the enemy lies bleeding out on the floor Laelani takes his radio and leaves.
Laelani: "Josef do an ammo count and let's use the radio to contact Wei and Tj"

Suddenly out of nowhere a small army of combat drones come out from the tree line and start firing on the 2 soldiers.
Josef: "What the fuck is that?!"
Laelani:"I don't know but let's light em up!"  as she starts firing, bullets hitting the drones, the drones keeps coming and some start shooting back
Laelani: "Dig in Josef and use that radio to call for the others"
Josef then starts using the dials on the radio Josef: "Hello Wei, come in Wei"
At first static then a voice came through.
Wei: "Yo Ramos where you at?, I've trying to contact the captain"
Josef: We're under fire by unknown enemies, our transport is shot to shit and we need support asap"
Wei: "Copy that,Team Dragonite is en route eta 15mins"
Josef: "Captain Laelani ma'am, Team Dragonite will be here in 15"
Laelani: "Then go set up defences and try and hold out"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09, 2023 ⏰

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