Chapter Nineteen

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Tiffany's POV

It feels like hours we have been sitting here waiting for news of my brother. I can't believe this happened. How did that guy get in with brass knuckles? I thought that they were checked before they came into the ring. My mother and father sit huddled together as my mother sobs into his chest as he tries to console her. Armani paces the floor as Isabelle sits, chewing her nails. Her knees bounce and I can see she is trying to hold back the tears. The tension in the room was so thick you could cut it with a knife. It was slowly getting to me, and I was about to go mad when I looked up and saw the guys from the Devil's come in. They all head over to Armani, and Justin comes over to me.

"How is he? Have you heard anything?"

"No, and it is killing me. I have no idea if he is alive or dead. Isabelle is freaking out, and I feel so bad for her. They finally got together, and now he is fighting for his life."
"Your brother is tough, and he will get through this."
"I'm just so scared."

"I got you, baby."
He pulls me into his arms, and he wraps them around me. I feel the tears finally bubble over, and I can't stop them. He pulls me in tighter and kisses the top of my head. I hear Uncle Damian ask if anyone wants anything as heads out of the room. The guys talk for a little while longer and I can see Armani getting angry. It must have something to do with what all is going on. He won't tell me anything, and I can't help but worry for everyone's safety. Eventually Madison and her father leave. She glances over to me as she leaves, and I can see the sorrow in her eyes. She smiles at me, but it doesn't reach her eyes. Eric puts his arm around her as he leads her out of the room. MY father gets up and starts pacing the floor again. His whole body is tense, and I wish I could tell him everything would be alright, but I can't even convince myself of that. My mother is sobbing and finally gets up to talk to Armani. Out of the corner of my eye, I see the door open, and the doctor walks in.

"Romano family?"
My mother and father quickly walk over to him and we all follow behind.

"That would be us. How is my boy?" My father asks as we all crowd around the doctor.

"He has significant head injuries. His nose and jaw were the least of the injuries. They are both broken. His right eye socket was also broken. We had to go in and repair it. The right side of his skull had the worst and is where his brain is swelling. Several ribs were cracked. We are setting him up in his room now."
My mother almost collapses as my father catches her and holds her tight to him.

"Can we see him?" My father asks.

"When he is settled in, I will send the nurse to come get you. Only two at a time, and visiting hours are soon over."
"Can one of us stay with him?"

"I can allow one person."
"Thank you." Isabelle says quietly beside me.

"Riley and I will go first."
The doctor leaves, and it is about another hour before the nurse comes in to take my parents back. Dad takes mom into his arms as he supports her while they walk out of the room.

"Armani, we will get out of your hair. I am glad to see Matteo is out of the woods." Jax says, as he and the other guys get up to leave.

"Not quite yet, he has a long road ahead." I hear my dad's voice as he ushers my mom in with him. The tears are falling, and I quickly run to her. She instantly falls into my arms, and her tears soak my shoulder.

"My poor baby. That monster almost killed him. I can't lose my baby!"

"He is going to be okay, mom. He is a fighter, just like dad."

"I love you all so much. I can't lose any of you."
"You won't, mom."
Dad pulls her from me. Jax, Lucifer and Data leave.

"Are you coming with Joker?" Lucifer asks right before he steps out of the room.

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