⨳ intro / warnings , ;

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235 words
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Hello! I'm admin '💗', one of the two admins here, you can call me 'Luv' or 'Anon' and He/Him/His. I also use any/all neo or nounself pronouns. :))
I will be the only one editing and posting this book.

Keep in mind that both of us admins are profiction and proshippers, our other books and drafts contain more hardcore subjects, so we are decently familiar with these things, although, of course, neither of us condone such things based in reality.
Please be sure to draw the line between fiction and reality, otherwise, you would be delusional. This is coming from someone who is genuinely delusional.

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With all that said, here's some markers I will put in titles as warning signs.

- A cross (☓) in the title represents that possibly triggering content, often kink related, or suggestive will be mentioned.
- The letter H (ꔠ) in the title signals there will be a topic that is purely fictional, something that is not at all based in reality. Might be kink related, or suggestive, but only in media.
- A star (✩) in the title signifies the chapter should be 'safe' to read by most, or all.

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Thank you for reading!

Feel free to request an explanation on specific subjects or proship labels, I will gladly answer, but be sure to keep respectful with your phrasing, as I am neurodivergent. Because of that (in short), sensitive.

Problematic Vocabulary and More.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora