Chapter: 2 Inroductions

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Roxy clears her throat and starts to introduce herself.

Roxy: "Well, I'm Roxxane Wolf but you can just call me Roxy and I play the Keytar in the band. I'm also the 'best'." She said that last part smiling.

Chica chuckled in response and Freddy rolled his eyes but chuckled all the same. Monty couldn't tell if she was serious or if she was joking, but he just assumed she was joking since everyone was laughing. Monty looks over at Freddy and watches him laugh. "He's so cute, especially when he smiles and laughs like that." He thought to himself but then went bright red at those thoughts. He quickly turned his head away from Freddy and shook his head to clear those thoughts.

Chica and Freddy stop laughing and then Chica starts to introduce herself as well.

Chica: "Im Chica and I play the guitar in the band next to Roxy Poo over here."

She points at Roxy and Roxy immediately blushes at the name "Roxy Poo". Monty watches Roxy blush at Chica and puts 2 and 2 together and thinks, "They're totally gonna date, if they're not already. They clearly like each other." He glances at Freddy and thinks to himself quietly, "I hope me and Freddy will also date one day." He blushes and looks at the floor, trying to stop blushing so Freddy doesn't notice.

Now it was Freddy's turn to introduce himself. He cleared his throat and started to talk.

Freddy: "Well you might know me already but I'm Freddy Fazbear, Freddy for short and I'm the leader and main singer for the band."

Monty started gazing at him in love struck wonderment. "He sounds so heavenly~." He thought to himself while watching Freddy's lips move as he talked. He started blushing just by looking at his lips so he looked away but still kept making quick glances at the bear.

Freddy looked at Monty and smiled, which made Monty go as bright red as a tomato. Freddy saw Monty blush and started to blush as well. "Why is he blushing? D- does he like me?!" Freddy thought to himself, which just made him blush even more.

Monty shook his head to try and stop blushing. He quickly made a small glance at Freddy then started to speak.

Monty: "I- I'm Montgomery Gator, Monty for short."

Freddy blushed just at the sound of his name and thought to himself, "Monty~ what a cute name for such a hot gator~" He then realized what he was thinking and went bright red. He tried to stop blushing and succeeded to some extent. Monty then continued on speaking.

Monty: "And I'm going to be the new bass player for the band." He said with a smile. Freddy smiled back at him and made Monty blush a lil.

Vanessa then stepped forward and put her hands on her hips and said with a slight smile,

Vanessa: "I'm Vanessa, I'm the security guard here so I make sure everything is in order including you guys."

Chica: "we know Van," she said smirking. "Why do you gotta be so sour all the time?"

Vanessa then shot her a dirty look and said "Don't test me" as she crossed her arms against her chest.

Vanessa: "Well, now that you all know each other, I'm going to go back to the office." She said as she walked away.

They waited for her to get on the elevator and leave before speaking again.

Chica: "Well, me and Roxy were gonna go bake if you want to join us!" She said while smiling sweetly.

Monty wasn't much of a baker so he thought he would look around the place but then Freddy said this.

Freddy: "W- we can also go hang out and talk in my room if you want Monty?" he said while blushing a lil.

These words made Monty blush but he wanted to hang out with Freddy more than anything.

Motny: "Of course, I'd love to!" He said while shaking his head yes and smiling.

Freddy blushed at his smile and thought to himself, "His smile is so damn cute~."

Roxy: "Well since it seems like you too will be having fun, Chica and I are gonna head to the kitchen's now." she said, turning towards the kitchen's.

Chica waved goodbye over her shoulder and followed Roxy to the kitchen's.

Freddy then reached out his hand for Monty to hold, which made Monty blush and confused at the same time.

Freddy: "Ready to go?" he asked while smiling at the gator.

Monty blushed and took his hand in his, "His hand is so soft~." He thought to himself.

Monty: "Yea I'm ready to go." He said while smiling back at him.

Freddy and Monty then started walking to Freddy's room.

The New Band Member (Freddy x Monty) (discontinued cus i said so)Where stories live. Discover now