Your Kindness Is Your Strength

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I  was lost in the river of overthinking and suddenly my sister called me up, I stopped the river flowing into my mind and picked up the call she said " Hey ! wanna come home and have some kimchi made by me"I could never refuse her kimchi as she is best at it, so I decided to go as it was Saturday perfect time for chilling. I requested my father to
leave me at her home and pick me up when I call.  I reached my destination I was welcomed by a warm hug and cheerful smile, she was delighted to have me there, we had a long conversation and of course, the main part after that was having kimchi which I enjoyed. Huh! I need to return home as it was too late and she had lots of assignments to work on so we said goodbye and went back to our places. As soon as I returned home I was ready to jump again into the river of my mind but it was too late so I need to go to sleep. The next morning woke up and went towards my garden, looking at how bright the sun today there I saw my grandfather collecting flowers I asked him the reason behind
it he said "I need to offer them in front of God " suddenly I interrupted him with saying " Ah! why this one it's the most beautiful flower in our garden ?" he replied That's why I am plucking it because it's the most beautiful one"
That's how we humans are we are taught to be good, to be kind, to be pure as crystal after we complete growing we need to be plucked and face the world we never saw or experienced. We enter new stages in our lives, and each stage gives us pain and happiness, Yes They both are different feelings but the similarity is that they both give us experiences and teach us some lessons in our life The more pain you get the more experience you receive from it, Oh! it
was time to leave for school, today there was a selection of founders in our school. Every year we have founders in November where children perform different talents, I gave my name for anchoring this year but unfortunately, ma, am replied with "Anchoring is just for the twenties " Oh shit! but no issue I still had an option with dance as always. I was allotted a particular group with my friends there I had many other people whom I met due to some reasons a long time ago, some were good some were worst. Here I saw an egoistic one she is like " Come on bro, I am the best dancer you might ever see "and I was like " My eyes won't allow me to see the worst
things "I seriously don't like people who have egos and accept others to roam behind them as their pets. Just allergic to this nature .....

It's life Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon