-chapter 1-

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(Um this is my first story idk if its gonna be good , I couldn't sleep one night and started thinking of a story and decided to write it , also idk if anyone besides My friends are gonna read it welp anyway i guess then its dedicated to them.? Enjoy)

Clare and Clarissa Mason were two sisters who survived under very abusive parents with beating , starvation and mental and physical torture being the norm for them , which meant they only had each other to rely on .This made the sisters very close to one another and since Clarissa was the oldest of the twins she felt an obligation to protect her sister from the worst of it .They received salvation from this daily abuse when their neighbour called the police on their parents for repeated sounds of screams and crying. They were moved to their Aunt's house who was willing to take them in as she had no children of her own and the two were just 13 years old. She lived in a large mansion on the rich side of town , decorated with sculptures and expensive-looking large vases . The sisters denied the offer of separate rooms and were given a large suite with a king size bed with large pillows covering it , two side tables on top of which were jewels dangling from a golden lamp , a window seat from which the front garden was visible and two walk-in closets filled with clothes,shoes and jewellery.
Their aunt had married a fairly rich man from Los Angelos who came to New York for a business meeting and fell in love with her on sight . After marriage he gave her , her own mansion in New York in which she lived alone with her husband coming to visit once a month
The sisters were identical twins with long brown hair covering their entire back , freckles across their pale cheeks and ocean blue eyes like their mother , except Clarissa had multi coloured eyes with her left eye being ocean blue like her sister and the other being green like her maternal grandmother.
Their Aunt was nothing like their parents and this was the first time they'd been given proper food , water and a place to sleep and even though both were the same age and suffered the trauma from their parents for the same amount of time , Clarissa - trying to shield Clare through everything - had gone through the worse of it. This made her anxious and she suffered from PTSD way more than Clare did. From the support of their Aunt , both the sisters were given proper therapy and they eventually got better and stopped receiving it. Clare had gotten through most of her trauma whereas Clarissa still had some lingering effects of their parent's abuse but besides this , both of them had gotten way better and started living an actual life instead of just surviving through it.

( I'll try to update this as much as i can and hopefully Ill be able to execute what i have planned for this story)

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