- chapter 2-

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After living with their Aunt for 5 years and completing school . Clare and Clarissa decided to move out to London and study law . Both of them wanted to become lawyers or potentially judges . As their new life began in London they threw away the name " Mason " , they didn't want to be reminded of their actual parents (or if they can be called that ) and adopted the name " Adison " which was the name of their Aunt , who acted like more of a parent then their actual mother and father ever could . They adopted the new names Clare Adison and Clarissa Adison.

Both adjusted fairly well socially , Clare had many friends , was social and well-known in the university and despite having the same facial features , both were completely different. Clarissa was more reserved and quiet, had her own small group of friends different from Clare's but both were still as close and dependent to each other as ever
Despite being so shy and reserved , Before they moved to London for their university, Clarissa already had an online boyfriend who lived in London , His name was Daniel Carter . Daniel was a fairly tall man with a standing of 6'2 , jet black hair and brown eyes . He was a smart man who was an aspiring engineer. Both of them met for the first time when Clarissa came to London . Clarissa was head over heals in love with him and Clare being the over loving and protective sister she was, wanted to be sure of Daniel being a good guy , she noticed some fluctuations in their relationship, they would sometimes fight and not talk for days and even though Clarissa told Clare everything she wouldn't tell Clare the reason for their quarrels and as her sister had never hidden anything from her, Clare was a bit jealous that she wouldn't tell her.
After a while of these quarrels Clare noticed that Clarissa was becoming more and more depressed , even though the fighting ended as soon as it began it starting weighing on Clarissa and Clare not knowing the reason only assumed Daniel to be at fault and as the loving sister she was, begged Clarissa to break up with him but she didn't. Clarissa loved him too much for that and she knew that Daniel did too but even after they mended their relationship and started being happy and in love together , Clare still begged her sister to leave him, Clarissa never understood this even though Clare knew Clarissa was happier now she still pleaded her to break up with him to which Clarissa didn't comply. This continued for months on end until one day Daniel lost contact with both Clare and Clarissa .He tried to reach them in their university but he learned that both were absent from the university for a while. He tried reaching out to Clarissa's friends but they didn't know anything either until he stumbled upon one of Clare's friend , a petite girl with a small stature ,moles across her dark face that looked like freckles from afar with rich brown hair that was cut up to her neck with bangs at the front and marble grey eyes which looked like the moon itself , her name was Evelyn-he had once met Evelyn when he came to pick Clarissa from university and saw Clare and her talking on the bench, he still couldn't recognise between the sisters well and thought it was Clarissa from behind, he greeted her when asking Clare for Clarissa's whereabouts- and even though their wasn't much to go off of - he still tried asking her the location of the two girls only to find Clarissa had died that week and that Clare had gone to New york for her funeral.

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