Act 35

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In the meantime, Michael confronts Alen and points a gun at him.

The first time it doesn't work, but when he pulls the trigger the second time, Alen tries to stop him by pointing the gun up and shooting, which frightens the birds and everyone else nearby.

Alen defends himself by firmly shoving Michael's hand away from the area where he was holding the gun, causing Michael to drop it.

Alen yanks Michael's neck and throws him against a rock.

Alen is holding Michael by the bear's hands as he tries to escape, but Liam appears, holding up the ring while yelling, "Hey! See what I found?" Alen notices the ring when he turns to face Liam.

Alen releases Michael in the heat of the moment and walks carefully over to Liam. Liam simply didn't care, and he picked up a large boulder, placed the ring on it, and then heaved it down, breaking it.

Liam is pushed aside as Alen hurriedly approaches to check on the ring.

As Michael gently stands up and picks up the rock that Liam dropped, he slams Liam to the ground, taking advantage of the possibility that Alen was off guard. "Are you okay, Liam?" Michael questioned Liam after grabbing him, and after also finding the phone after searching Alen's pockets, Michael smashes it with the rock and discards it. With his eyes hardly open, Alen appeared to be somewhat unconscious.

Michael made a move to seize the revolver from Liam, and Alen was left standing alone on the ground when Liam took the revolver and Michael fled with Liam.

Alice decided to go looking for them because Ellen was so concerned about them, but just then, Liam and Michael emerged from the jungle and said, "They have arrived. Miss Janson, they're all right."

As her son approaches, Ellen yells to him, "I see you coming." "It frightened me so much. As we approached the gunfire,"

Liam comforts her by stating, "I'm okay, mom. I'm grateful to Mr. Michael."

Ellen was grateful but also looked around and questioned, "And where is... Alen...?" Michael goes to speak with the same police officer that spoke to Ellen. "Mother, don't worry," Liam adds as he places his hands on her shoulders.

The officer wants to talk to you, Michael announced as he interrupted them.

The policeman approaches them and identifies Miss Ellen Janson.

Ellen answered as she is looking at the officer, scared and uncomfortable. "Yes, that's me," and the police officer looks very serious at her. "How long have you been in contact with this man?" the officer inquires as he casts a wary eye over her.

Ellen reflects on it and recalls, "When I and my son arrived here, When we were at the gas station, I received an odd message on my phone. I estimate that it has been almost a week."

The policeman has an odd expression and replies, "At a gas station? Hmm, I see."

Ellen quickly added something else: "There is something..." The police officer looks suspicious, and as Ellen said, I saw someone like a shadow figure there, watching us. That's when it all started."

The officer nods and says, "The best advice that I can give you is to ignore the messages from him."

Ellen just saw and agreed with the police officer, "Yes, I will do that. Thank you, officer."

The officer replied, "Alright. Thanks for your time and be safe," as the policeman finished the conversation after noting it in his notepad.

Then, when the policeman departs, Ellen asks a paramedic as she notices the name of her "Hannah Whitt," and Ellen asks her, "Excuse me, but would he be alright?" as she approaches Robert, who had formerly been in the ambulance for some checkups.

The paramedic known as Hannah said to Ellen, "He was lucky."

Hannah stated this as she turned to face her. "Although the bullet did not enter his leg nerve system and he is bleeding out, he must undergo surgery to remove it before it does any damage."

Ellen looks at the paramedic. "Look, he needs family and..." until the female paramedic suggested that someone go with Robert, until, immediately, Middy runs outside to speak to the paramedic and says, "I will go with him. Can I?"

Hannah looks Middy, but in a suspicious way. However, she answered, "Are you related to him?" as she turned, facing Middy.

Middy looks a bit innocent, but with a serious voice tone, "Yes. I'm his oldest daughter," Middy responded right away. "And if you don't mind, I want to go with him." determine whether he will be alright.

Hannah, let's let Middy go with Robert. "Alright. Since he is your father, you are allowed to go with him," the paramedic said upon seeing the patient.

As Middy sits next to her father in the ambulance, Middy holds his hand.

Julie couldn't sleep as she opened her eyes and noticed that Middy wasn't there. She looked outside the window, where she saw her father and Middy in the ambulance, and ran outside.

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