Trust (Part 2 to Strawberries)

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Train's P.O.V.

    I gritted my teeth as I saw him walking with her. "Oh that would look fabulous on you!" he said to her. "Thanks! I'll buy it." She replied. I walked home leaving him with Hiroshi. I sat on the couch angry and she came in as beautiful as can be. She was excited. "Hey babe! I got some news for you!" she said. "I do too." I   replied.  "You first." She said. " I don't want you around him anymore." I spoke sternly. "What are you talking about?" She questioned. "Don't play dumb!" i said my voice raising. "I'm not playing! Wait.....Are you talking about Nadu?" She yelled. 

Hiroshi's P.O.V.

I couldn't believe him he was being a total ass. "Oh is that his name." He replied bitterly. "Who are you to tell me what to do!" I yelled. "You may be my boyfriend, but not my father!" "I don't care! I care about you and I don't wanna see him again!" He yelled. "You will because he is my cousin." I yelled back.

Train's P.O.V

He is my cousin. "Oh. Well why is he always around you! That's so incestuous." I replied calming down. "Because he is very uncomfortable around you."  "Oh." I replied. "Sorry." "No, you seriously thought i was cheating on you and I'm done Train!" She yelled at me.

Hiroshi's P.O.V.

He looked at me as I turned to walk away. "Oh and the surprise was that my cousin helped plan a rip out for us, but I guess I'll tell him to take him and his girlfriend." He tried to grab my wrist, but I pulled out of reach. "Just......I'm done Train." I went upstairs and heard is footsteps, in a second i was pressed up against the wall. 

"Let me go Train." He shook his head, "No." "Why not." I replied coldly. "Because I refuse to let you walk out on me." "Train, I told you I'm done." I said bitterly. "You may be, but I'm not." "Why not! why do you care?" I asked him "Because I love you." I froze, he said it he loves me. "I love you too Train." I replied softly. "See! I knew you couldn't let me go." He grinned and kissed me. I kissed back. "Train listen to me if this relationship is going to work, we need trust." He nodded before kissing me. "What was that?" I asked. "Trust." He kissed me again and I smiled. He really was mine, my little assassin.

"You really do have it all."

"Have what?"

"Good looks, brave, smart, and Trust."

"Don't forget love."

"You really are mine." 

"Your what?"

"My little Assassin." 

Part two to Strawberries there wasnt supposed to be one, but my friend convinced me.

Trust (Part 2 to Strawberries)Where stories live. Discover now