late shift

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i had pretty much completely reconciled with stan, but not with any of my other bullies. Cartman was still a super dick to me, Craig had been weirdly nice to me recently, and kenny and kyle usually didn't get involved but they were always bystanders, so i hadn't forgiven them yet, but as of right now stan was basically crying trying to get me to forgive kyle because "he's his best friend, and he wants kyle to hang out with our friend group". funnily enough, before stan and i became friends, kyle was the one in the group who i hated the least, but i wasn't gonna forgive kyle that easily, not without an actual effort from kyle himself at least.

"dude come on, kyle is horrible with sappy emotional stuff," stan explained

"it doesn't have to be sappy or emotional, i just want him to apologize," i said

"but he never did anything," stan said

"yeah, but he watched, and didn't do anything," i said

"ok Tweek, i'll see what i can do," stan said.

it was starting to get colder outside. i mean it's always cold in south park, but colder than usual. christmas break is coming up, and then after that we have new schedules, which i don't think i'm ready for. what if i have a class with cartman, or craig?? geez.


"huh? oh i got a message," i said to myself

RedR: hey dude
Spaz: hey red :)
RedR: are u free rn?
Spaz: yeah actually

ring. Red was calling me.

"Spaz!" red said, i could hear the excitement in his voice

"hey red," i said, i was finally starting to feel calm

me and craig started playing minecraft together when suddenly i heard my mom start walking into my room.

"Twe-" my mom started to say, but i cut her off before she could say my name, and i muted the call.

"yes mom," i replied

"we want to try something new out at tweak bros," my mom explained

"like what? another new coffee flavor," i said unenthusiastically

"no tweek, on Saturday we're going to stay open til 5 am. we want to try and bring in customers at night, so they can stay up with our coffee and bring us more business," my mom said proudly

"please tell me you don't want me to work that shift," i said

"Tweek.." my mom trailed off

"mom why?!" i shouted

"well in return you won't have to work a morning shift on saturday," my mom said

"fine," i said, i know she's not gonna back off.

my mom walked out of the room.

"Spaz?" red said

"spaz you there?," red said

"yeah i'm here, sorry my mom came in," i explained

"oh ok i thought you hung up for a minute," red said with relief in his voice, i couldn't help but laugh.

(time skip to saturday)

i woke up and rubbed my eyes, today i had to work until 5 am. i know some weirdos are gonna show up, but whatever, my parents will do anything for business. i slept in because i stayed up super late last night on call with red. i had an hour until my shift starts at 10. i have a fucking 7 hour shift. i thew on a baggy t shirt, some ripped jeans, and slip on vans, i have to stay comfortable if i want to live through today. i started walking to work.

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