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RK NOTE) sorry for not posting an episode its since I was so distracted with my art I completely forgot but here it is btw this contains smut again😹😹 and there will be a rival known as the popular girl in his school <3!!)

Tsukasa's POV
I wake up next to Rui his head on my chest I sighed loudly and I decided to skootch away from him since he didn't have his arms on me I got off his bed successfully and out on my clothes and went straight to school remembered I have to hang out with toya today I quickly head over to school and saw toya running up to me

"Tsukasa there you are!" Toya said worryingly "well of course I am I never forget my own best friend ever!" Tsukasa answered while panting since he ran to school to see Toya as soon as he could "come on we need to head into school to get our stuff Tsukasa.." Toya said while picking Tsukasa up





Toyas POV


I pick up Tsukasa so his chest is on mine while I try not to blush since I loved him with all my heart ever since we were children I know his sister Saki aswell me and Tsukasa has a good connection since we both play the piano and have much other things I was always talking about him to Akito who is always saying to confess to him already I always shake my head denying I do t have enough courage to do that I'm pretty sure Tsukasa dosent feel the same thing about me but I can't stand Rui he always steals him away from me I couldn't take it anymore but I just kept shutting my other inner self away so I don't get angry

I know Rui despises me so do I I hate him with all my life and soulAkito always tells me to calm down and to not beat him up
I always calm down I want Tsukasa to be mine forever and ever... I need him... I want him I love him



Tsukasa is laying on Toya who is blushing secretly since Tsukasa is snuggled into Toyas shoulder. Toya walks while Tsukasa is just sleeping on him and someone caught his eye its Rui ,Rui sees Toya holding Tsukasa one arm on his waist and the other on his thigh he puts his eyes up on toyas and glares at him he spots Akito aswell rooting for Toya since he made another big step with him and Tsukasa 'Fucking damn it this damn boy is stealing my guy which I fucked yesterday last night , Tsukasa is gonna be getting a "punishment" this very same day' Rui thought he smirked with lust at Tsukasa who was peacefully sleeping on his rival thinking different ways to fuck Tsukasa so he won't walk for a whole week straight lucky enough he didn't get hard since he felt Toya pass through Rui with Tsukasa for their next class they have together

Toya walks into the classroom putting Tsukasa down next to his seat since Toya and Tsukasa were sitting together for English he sighed happily while stroking the blondes hair  he noticed Akito walk in worried the blue hair quietly stands up while walking to the ginger "Toya you should be careful someone is trying to sabotage your relationship with your one and only sleeping beauty" Akito sighs while his hands are crossed "Is it Rui?" the blue haired questioned the ginger "No it isn't Rui but I saw him glaring at you but forget that you should be aware of him and Mafuyu" Akito stated Toyas mouth separates while his eyes widening he couldn't believe Mafuyu the most popular girl wanting to have Tsukasa "Akito are you serious your my wing man don't tell me I have to deal with another pest.." toya looks down on the ground clenching his fists he looks back up and puts a weak smile on his face "its okay I'll make sure he dosent leave me" Toya said while walking back to Tsukasa who is sleeping peacefully since he had a long night yesterday

Everyone comes into class Mafuyu comes into class with Kohane and Saki , Saki spotted Tsukasa and runs over to him asking Toya if he was alright since he didn't come back home yesterday since he was at someone's house she thought it was Rui's or Toya's or Emu and Nenes since that was the only people she knew Toya said he was at his house for the night since he called him over to play some video games Saki nodded as she spotted the teacher walking in and she went over to sit in her seat as the teacher came in the class

"Hello class please open your books to chapter 45 and Toya can you wake up Tsukasa please?" The teacher asked Toya nodded and shook Tsukasas shoulder gently as the blonde woke up rubbing his eyes gently as he was yawning the blue hair couldn't take his eyes off him while he was stretching his arms and taking out his book opening it and asking the gazed boy what chapter are they on Toya coming back to reality and saying which chapter it was as they went on with class




6 hours later

School was over and the people were exhausted as they walked to their dorms and some to their loving family's home Tsukasa was walking with Toya since they were gonna go hang out at his house later on today the blond felt a very weird feeling as he felt someone was watching him and his friend they made it out of the school and going the direction to where Toyas house was he still felt a glare somwhere around the street he couldn't take his mind out of it so he ignored it as much as he could finally they arrived at the blue haired boys house the blond had sighed relieved as he walked in the house with his best friend

3 hours later

"Tsukasa I think it's time for you to go home it's getting dark.." Toya pouted his mouth while pausing the game as he was looking at his best friend "Oh shit your right I have to get home before Saki gets angry at me and bye Toya ill see you tomorrow on Saturday!" Tsukasa smiled brightly as he picked up his bag and putting on his shoes while stepping out of the door the blond walks outside while looking at his phone..

"Had fun at your best friend's house Tsukasa?" The blond heard a familiar voice and looked up it was Rui ..

"Say do you wanna stop at my place you can text your sister that u will be bunking at my place today Tsukasa-kun~" the lavender smirked while looking at the pouting and texting someone "fine I'll comeover just don't do your nasty cooking again" the blond sighed as he walks with the lavender they stop at Rui's house and they walk in as soon the lavender closed the door he pinned the blonde to the wall smirking with lust in his eyes

"I didn't see you this morning at practise I was hoping to see you but I saw u instead with Toya and sleeping on him you know what that leads you to Tsukasa-Kun?" Rui said while looking at the blonde

"W-what does it lead me too R-rui?" The blonde trying to look away from the lavender only to feel somthing on his ear

"A punishment my dear Tsukasa~♡" Rui smirks


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