Sleepover Pt 2

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Ch #8 Sleepover Pt 2

"Okay, Keefe truth or dare?" Tam said, smiling Evilly.

"Dare." Keefe said bravely.

"I dare you to use no hair products for a week!" Tam said cackling evilly.

"Can I switch it to truth?" Keefe whimpered.

"Nope." He said.

"Fine," Keefe said.

"Linh truth or dare?" Keefe asked.

"Dare." She said.

"I dare you to let Tam buy you an animal of your choice." He said.

"Noooo." Tam said.

"This is payback." Keefe said evilly. Round and round the game went until they all got bored and decided to watch a movie. After a few minutes of scrolling they decided on Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King. While they were watching, Biana ended up falling asleep on Tam, Marella and Linh were curled up next to each other, and the others were asleep on the floor.

Time Skip (Keefe's POV)

Keefe woke up to the sound of someone crying. He slowly got up and followed the crying to the outside patio.

"Foster?" Keefe asked as he saw Sophie curled up on the swing chair crying.

"Keefe, what are you doing here?" She asked rubbing her eyes to stop her from crying.

"I heard someone crying and decided to investigate." He said.

"Oh." She said softly.

"Why were you crying?" He asked, sitting down next to her. She didn't say anything and he was about to assume she wouldn't before she said:

"My parents died 5 years from today." She said, wiping away tears from her eyes.

"Grady and Edaline?" He asked, confused.

"No, they were my parents before Grady and Edaline adopted me." She said,

"I was at a friend's house and they were coming to pick me up but someone lost control of their truck and it slammed into their car." She said breaking down into sobs.

"It'll be okay." He said, rubbing her back. She seemed to calm down a little at that.

"But the worst part was that if I wasn't at my friend's house they would still be here." She said breaking down again.

"Listen to me." He said, making her face him.

"This is not your fault." He said seriously.

"But it is." She said through sobs.

"It's not your fault that someone slammed into them, and you didn't know that is was going to happen." He said.

"I guess..." she said, burying her face in his chest.

"It'll be okay..." he said in a soothing voice. It was a long while as they sat in silence but eventually she said.

"Thanks Keefe."

"Your welcome Foster." He said. Soon she fell asleep, her head in his lap. He didn't want to wake her so he stayed where he was. Not long after he fell asleep too.


"Should we wake them up?" Someone said distantly.

"No Tam, leave them be." Someone scolded.

"What's going on?" She said her eyes came into focus. She suddenly saw someone next to her and they had blond hair and beautiful ice blue eyes. Suddenly last night's events came flooding back to her.

"Why were you and Keefe sleeping outside?" Biana said, looking at the two of them.

"We were just talking." She squeaked her cheeks flaming red.

"Sure you were." Biana said mischievously.

"Seriously we weren't." She said,

"You sure Foster?" Keefe said jokingly sitting up beside her.

"KEEFE!" She said, slapping his arm.

"Come on guys, the group is looking for you guys." Biana said.

"Guys we found them!" Biana shouted. A minute later they had all assembled in the living room.

"Let's play seven minutes in heaven!" Biana squealed. Sophie, Tam, and Dex all groaned in unison.

"C'mon guys it won't be that bad." Biana whined.

"Fine, how do we play?" She asked.

"First, we put our names in a hat and one person draws names and those to people will go in that closet for seven minutes." Biana explained pointing over to a closet only a few feet away.

"Okay." Everybody said.

"Okay, I'll draw first."Biana said, pulling out two names.

"Marella and Linh." She read aloud.

"Okay the seven minute timer starts now." Keefe said, starting the timer as they got in the closet.

"Let's continue the game." Keefe said, drawing two names out of the hat.

"Bangs Boy andddddd Biana!" He said smirking at Biana and Tam. When Biana heard her name her cheeks blushed crimson.

"Okay lovebirds you're up next." Keefe said. When Marella and Linh came out they were both blushing.

"Bye bye." Keefe said, pushing them into the closet. When they came out Biana was blushing furiously.

"Okay next up is Sophie and Dex." Biana read. When they got in the closet Dex asked.

"What were you and Keefe talking about outside?" He asked suspiciously.

"We heard me on the swing outside crying and I told him about how my old parents died." She said, wiping a tear from her face.

"You told him?" Dex asked, surprised.

"Ya, he helped me get past some of my guilt." She said, taking a deep breath. A few minutes later Biana opened the door and round and round the game went until Dex pulled two names.

"Sophie and Keefe." He read aloud. Sophie and Keefe glanced at each other and shrugged.

"Okayyyy, seven minutes starting now." Biana said, closing the door.

"That sat in silence for a few minutes before she said.


"Ya?" She said, turning to face. She then realized how close they were to each other. She didn't realize she was leaning in... Slowly Keefe copied her, their faces were only inches apart before someone opened the door. Sophie and Keefe scrambled apart from each other hurriedly.

"Ummmmm." Dex said awkwardly his cheeks flushed pink.

"It's nothing." She said hurriedly, scrambling back to the group.

Hi guys sorry the the cliffhanger but I their will definitely be some stuff going on in the next few chapters! Also if you guys could check out my Tiana/Bam Fanfic it would be appreciated! Also if you could go follow Sokeefe_da_bestt she is trying to reach 300 followers so please go follow her! Sokeefe_da_bestt.


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