Days Go By

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Too much to do when busy, and too tired to do anything when free. The whole is constantly being filled, but distractions puncture holes.

What's really important? What passion brings color and life to an otherwise flavorless survival? For me, it's music and writing.

When I write I submerge myself in a sea of creation. Anything is possible, as long as I step out of my way. I can create, destroy, shape, or redirect. There are no limitations. To allow a story to flow through you... it truly is astounding.

When I listen to music, it wraps around me, and hugs my soul. Whether happy or sad, I feel it. I'll fly and fall or swim and drown... a truly powerful experience. I want it all. To listen, play, or sing is surreal, I sometimes give myself chills.

I'm uncertain of many things, but of one thing I am determined: When the time comes that my soul must move on, I will have no regrets of not having done what I love.

January 7th, 2023

Dreaming (Poetry Collection 2021~)Where stories live. Discover now