The Sick Prince

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When Dominick was able to undo the cuffs that Angron had attached to him, his first idea was to find any of his clothes that Angron tore off him. During the quick search, he noted the overuse of crimson red in the color scheme and the fuckton of Skulls from all kinds of Races. Like seriously, It wouldn't be bad to try different kinds of decorations for the room. Honestly Dominick was considering just staying here and dying trying to convince the 7ft bloodthirsty demon who probably uses blood as a body cleanser and bones as a Dildo.

During his thoughts, he finally found his Guard fatigues, tattered and torn. His white T-Shirt was basically unusable since Angron just ripped it off him. His underwear was in decent condition, some rips and tears but still wearable. Pants could be better but still usable to Dominick and his escape. But then he noticed something that would make even the most deranged God's vomit in pure disgust.

Angron left the fucking socks on. Angron's left the FUCKING SOCKS ON! That is the worst thing anyone could commit, even for a Greater Daemon, this was crossing so many lines. Poor Private Dominick had to sleep with wool socks on in a fucking blistering hellhole.

But Dominick knew he had other things on hand to take care of, like escaping the fucking Warp and hoping the Inquisition doesn't come and put a power sword down His throat. So after getting his torn clothes on and making sure his dog-tag was still around his neck. Once finished, he unlocked the humongous door and entered the hallway. The hall is what you would expect from a Khorne Greater Daemon. A fuckton of bones and Crimson red.

Dominick started to wander the foul halls, looking for anything of use, like his Lascarbine or some protection other than the thin clothing. During his search, he started to feel watched, like a sickening gaze into his fragile soul. But his gut feeling was soon thrown out the window as at the end of the hallway Dominick saw a sight that spelt doom for any poor Guardsmen. A Chaos Space Marine, but more specifically, a fucking World Eater armed with two chain axes stained with a multitude of stains.

Dominick, seeing these, quickly tried to escape its sight, and he did it in the most stupidity way possible. The mother fucker hid behind a very comical big plant, and I don't know how it got their. Once behind the mentioned comically placed plant, the poor Guardsmen was able to hide from the World Eater and a very cruel death.

After making sure the coast was clear, Dominick ditched his hiding spot and made a mad dash for the hallways exit. Upon reaching the exit, he realized the hallway exit was actually the entrance to a lower floor, presumably a dungeon. Dominick was planning on finding another way out because let's be honest, do you really want to go through a dungeon full of raving lunatics that's only emotion is anger?

But on the other hand, Dominick needed to find himself a weapon to give the illusion of protection. The problem was the only weapons he really found himself being able to find are oversized swords and axes, no doubt too heavy for himself. But he did notice the World Eater had a Bolter pistol, so it did mean they did have firearms. And that leads to the next problem.

Where is their armory and If they even had one?

But before Dominick could continue pondering his already fucked situation, he heard a horrific warcry and the heavy pounding of armor. And when he looked towards the end of the hall, Dominick nearly pissed himself.

It was a World Eater, but not like the one Dominick was lucky to hide from. It had two curved horns coming out of the helmet and the top holding a Human skull. It also bolstered spikes with the tip covered by skulls of different xenos and men. But the worst was the weapon the World Eater was armed with. It seemed to be a double barrel Bolter, encrypted no doubt with heretical symbols. And it was aimed right at Dominick.

Dominick's fight or flight instincts kicked in almost immediately as the first few bolter rounds luckily missed him and punched a hole through the wall behind him. Dominick threw himself down the dungeon's stairs to avoid further fire for a little bit. Dominick tumbling down the stairs was quite painful as the stone steps seemed to cracked some of his ribs and sprained his ankle. It was extremely hard for Dominick to try and pick himself up to start running, so in the low light of the Dungeon, he needed to crawl to a safe hiding spot. And Dominick needed to do it fast because his failed attempts at getting up let the pursuing Marine to get closer to him.

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