The Passage - Part 1

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A lantern shines in the dark.

Gently it pulsates as if having a heart of its own. The light scatters onto surrounding upholstery. Dust particles glisten as if creating their own sparks.

A voice calls out from behind.

"You found it?" smooth like silk, the voice travels, coming closer. The brick walls echo its melody.

A second voice, soft and light calls out, "Not yet Evelyn, be patient!"

Evelyn grunts at this response. Dark hair dancing as she trudges along, voice filled to the brim with annoyance, "I don't know how much longer I can survive in this dress," she mutters to herself.

The green eyes holding the lantern squint, and her feet stop to a halt. Behind her the soft voice lets out a squeak, bumping head first into the green eyed figure. Without eyes like that of an owl, another squeal from behind signals Evelyn's collision as well. The green eyes realise the commotion and turn the lantern around, just in time to see the bouquet of lace and ruffles tumble to the ground.

"Mei, Evelyn, are you girls okay?" The green eyes speak.

"Yeah Leia, we're fine. Thanks for giving us a warning..." Grumbles Evelyn, as she gets up and starts dusting off her deep purple gown.

Mei holds out her hand, a plea for assistance to escape from the mess of petticoat, but Evelyn doesn't turn her eyes on her. Leia sighs and holds out her hand. Back on her feet the girls can't help but let out a laugh.

"Good thing I've found it then," Leia turns around and lets the lantern's light illuminate the room, "the workman's office."

Mei nods in appreciation and fishes out of her pocket a rectangular metal object, no taller than a pen nor wider than a pocket knife. With a click of a button, a clear glass screen appears. She begins scanning the room.

"The entrance could be anywhere. So keep your eyes out." Leia reminds them, setting her lantern down on the well used desk in the middle of the room.

Mei approaches the bookshelf, and glides her device across it.

Mei approaches the bookshelf, and glides her device across it

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Evelyn heads to the other side of the room. Her hands, with delicate movements, head to the paintings hung up, some yet to be filled with art. One by one, she checks behind each one.


The gasp causes Evelyn to lose clutch on one of the empty frames, causing it to fall and clatter on the ground. "Sorry," she whispers.

"It's okay I found it!" Mei replies, looking straight at the other girls as she half pulls out a book with her slender fingers until click, on the other side of the room the wall swings open. "The passage, ladies." She points to it and does a courteous bow, as if in a show.

Dust and cobwebs line the entrance, a single spider notices them and retreats, climbing up its single string of spider silk.

"Not exactly the most welcoming." Leia points out as she cranes her neck to look inside.

Evelyn grabs the lantern, and strides forward, one hand on her hip. "Well then girls, shall we?" She turns back to the others, curls bouncing gracefully, and with a glee in her eyes.

"We shall." Mei and Leia reply, laughter in their voices. Together the three girls head inside the dark corridor, their happy voices bouncing around the dark shadows.

The adventure is just beginning...

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