Ten - Objects.

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"How did you sleep dear girl? Well I hope?"

"Fine Otto. Will Grandfather be joining us this morn?"

"The Maesters have commanded him to bed rest until further notice."

"You cannot addle him with milk of the poppy forever-"

"Will your family be joining us this morning Laenora? Or have they imposed you upon us instead?"

Laenora sighed. The dark haired child sat alone, as always, staring at empty seats at the empty table. There was no Jace, no Luke, no Joffrey, not even her mother or Daemon. Not a single one of them had woken as early as she had that morning, and so she had been the soul member of her family to show their face for breakfast, leaving her in the grasp of the Hightowers. And the biggest cunt of them all, Otto.

"I am not sure where they are." She mumbled

"Taking extra rest I suppose." Otto suggested smugly.

"Perhaps preparing matters for our wedding, hm?" Aemond spoke up from beside her, taking both the weight from her shoulders and his grandfather's eyes off of her in an instant.

"Yes perhaps." She agreed.

"See Grandfather? Tis no matter at all." The one eyed prince said, almost in a warning tone and Otto quietened down most quickly.

Laenora let out another sigh but this time it was one of relief, never had she been so grateful for Aemond than in that moment. To save her from one of Otto's interrogations, she couldn't have been more thankful to her betrothed, despite the glares he gave her.

As the family sat in meagre silence, food began to be delivered to the table, mostly plates of cooked meats, mushrooms, and bird eggs as it was far too early for anything much else. Aegon looked as if he would vomit at the sight, his hands gripped the edges of the wood table ever so desperately, and the future queen worried that if he could grip any harder he'd have splinters in his fingers.


Alicent watched him in pity, rolling her eyes at the boy before they landed on Laenora, raising a brow to her, but the princess only shrugged.

"Whatever is the matter with you Aegon?" She asked

"I believe he's just hungry mother." Aemond smirked, shovelling heaps of smoked boar onto his brother's plate before sliding it closer to him. "Eat up."

THE 7TH MOON [Aemond Targaryen]Where stories live. Discover now