Chapter Two: The Korn of My Eye

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You know that feeling of such horrible awkwardness, where you would much rather brush your teeth with sandpaper than ask out your middle school crush? (; That's what the drive back to Luke's place felt like. I could taste the awkwardness in the air coming from all directions and I didn't even have a tongue. Or a mouth. Or really any senses of any sorts, besides the feeling of love for Luke. He just wouldn't let go of me.

"It's too bumpy the squash will squash" Luke says.

Chris responds with a simple eye roll and one word: "Fine."

Neither one of them were talking now. It was as silent as the grocery store after closing time.

After what seemed like way too long, we arrived at Luke's house.

"You can just put it in the back, "Chris started, "buckle it up if you're that concerned," Chris finished mockingly.

"This was it," I thought.

But Luke didn't move. He just sat there staring at me.

"C'mon, Luke. I don't have all day"

Luke continued to stare at me, but after about a minute more, he opened the door. Sadness filled me, replacing all of the mush inside of my lumpy body. I felt heavier.

Luke stepped out and went to face the backseat door. He reached for the handle causing anger and adrenaline to replace the sadness. The next move I was about to make could kill me instantaneously, but if I wanted our relationship to work, I had to make a sacrifice.

I jumped.

A look of excitement spread across Luke's face.

"Luke! What the fudge did you just do?" Asked Christopher.

But I showed him it wasn't Luke.

I rolled with great fury, igniting a trail of flames everywhere I went. I crashed through a window, scaring the living daylights out of a lady watching, what seemed to be called: "Tangled". I hope she wasn't his wife. If she was... well... Ohps.

I continued to roll until I reached his room. I slowly crept my way to his bed, extinguishing the flames so that no one could find me. I waited, as silent and still as I could possibly be.

I listened to the roar of the furious Christopher. I felt bad for my little muffin top. He was taking all of the heat for something I did. That was sad but if I wanted to be able to love him, I would continue to sit here until Christopher left.

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