Chapter one - So it Begins

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" A cheery big city inkopolis is, considered the capital of the ink being's world ! It's bustling with different species and allowing different kinds of people to meet and be friends . . . But it wasn't always like that . Just before the great inkling war all throughout and a small bit after was a high level of segregation in the city . Jellyfish have not the brain to understand things so no worry was ever put on them but the octoling and the inkling though very similar wished to fight for their differences . The octolings and octarian were pushed out and the inklings took over the city To run it with peace and tranquility . A stain on inkling history so we take it out of books . But the octolings who were born in the time of hatred know . . . And that brings us to this very date in time where you'll be searching for the elusive Cybil Inkburn . You got all that newbie ? " Your boss looked at you with serious eyes , your gaze returning from your slightly distracted haze .

Today was your very first day at a new company who wished to search and track down . . . Oh bla bla bla ! You've been through this song and dance before at old companies always the same psychopath you couldn't escape her . You almost quit this line of work but this job offered something new .

" That's why we're trying a new tactic . In field rehabilitation . You'll be gathering info from family , enemies , newspaper , hell talk to her herself if you think you'll do something ! " Your boss exclaimed this little tidbit as a joke unknowing that . . . You intended to get there .

You picked up a clipboard which already had papers on it , a plan you'd formulated to enact yourself but the funding from this agency was key and you were more than ready to face the danger that this may bring to you . It brought an almost . . . Excitement ! You were finally fulfilling this stupid little mission so that the worst of crime was an eel stealing octopus and not a murderous criminal mastermind hiding behind fake names and lost information .

You wrote a list on the top page , left empty for your final bits of preparation . ' News , Mother , school , Coworker , Cybil ' you tucked the page to the bottom much to the curiousity of your boss though he didn't bother asking , motioning to a large bag of money for your emergency needs which you scooped up gladly into your hand .

" We're counting on you rookie ! Give it your best work ! " Your boss exclaimed as you made your way out of the room .

You could breath a sign of relief , shit was he overbearing like a mother whose hug was never released . It felt good to finally be on this mission alone you were confident you were not only the best agent in the world , but also the best investigator in the world may your schooling finally provide its use .

A quick check to your list and you immediately made your way to the most reliable source possible , the internet . Your first job was to search everything . The news , social media , forums of games , anything that would provide you with the location information to Cybil's family . Your first day's search was incredibl. . . y fruitless . Not a thing showed up like nobody knew or nobody wanted to know . It felt like a game you were losing but just couldn't remember the cheat code .

A week or so of answerless research went unrewarded and without an inch of results and money was thin now . You needed something to show or they'd quit funding before you even had a chance to begin . After a conversation during a break with a coworker where they questioned why she'd be so adamant at the destruction of inkopolis the light went on in your head . She'd a reason to hate the place no doubt so she must've grown up in one around the area . Your searches changed from current news to past news , keying in to anything that may suggest trouble when you finally found it . News of an octoling in an inkling school breaking boundaries and records with her grades . The name was so similar too " Cassida Inkburn. " You quickly realized she had a name change and had to have been running from something here , ready to figure out exactly what this was now .

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2023 ⏰

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