ꕥCharacter Fileꕥ

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First Name: Amelia
Middle Name: Celeste
Last Name: Amidala(?)

Home Planet: Naboo(?)

Race: Human

Gender: Female

Age: 29

Height: 5'10

Eye Colour: Hazel

Hair Colour: Strawberry Blonde

Family: Deceased(?)

Lightsaber/Lightsaber Colour: Single-Bladed, Indigo

Standing: Grey Jedi

Alias: The Grey Warrior

History: Amelia was born on Naboo(?) in 29BBY, being sent to live on Coruscant in the Jedi Temple during the year 27BBY. She was raised by both her mentor(?) Obi-Wan Kenobi and her sister(?) Padme Amidala until Order 66 in 19BBY. She used what little flying skills she had, And escaped to Alderaan, where she hid until she was 18 years old (12BBY). It was then that she was captured by the first bounty hunter. She escaped, but was captured again soon after. Since then, she has lived a precarious life in and out of imprisonment, causing trouble for The Empire and aiding the Rebellion. She aided Leia Organa, Luke Skywalker, and Han Solo in the destruction of the first Death Star, at some point gaining both the rank of General and the title of Jedi Knight. Her location afterwards is unknown.

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