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Beomgyu was sleeping at the school's library, his head resting on the wall beside him. He was seated in the corner booth chair by the back of the library.

The four boys sneaking up on him was smiling ear to ear as they saw his sleeping face when they decided to check up on how study time was going.

"Oho~ I see our lil Gyu is taking a little detour in his everyday schedule~" Yeonjun whispers to the others.

"Oop, that means he can't finish it?" Huening questions, tilting his head slightly.

Taehyun hummed and sat next to Beomgyu on the booth chair. Soobin did the same.

"Beomgyu-ah~" Soobin called to him.

Beomgyu stirred a little in his sleep, moving his head up, nodding off then circling around to Taehyun's shoulder. The fluffy pink haired boy wrapped an arm around Beomgyu's back to his fluffy brown hair.

The moment he did that, Beomgyu opened his eyes slightly with a tiny pout on his lips. He quickly embraced Taehyun into a hug. He recognized it to be the latter as Taehyun was the only one with chest muscles.

Soobin cooes. "Aw~ here, hyun. I'll leave you two alone for now." He whispers. Taehyun looked up at him shaking his head a bit as he watched his Hyungs and Kai leave him alone with Beomgyu.

He sighed when they finally went out those library doors. The bell rings. It is break time.

Beomgyu finally woke up when the bell rang. "Oh! Hi Taehyunie!" He gleamed, smiling softly at the other.

"A-Ah. Goodmorning sleeping beauty." He chuckles, pretending he wasn't flustered just by having Beomgyu sitting right next to him.

"What time is it?" Beomgyu asked. Taehyun took his phone and lifts it, showing Beomgyu the time and his wallpaper. On purpose. "Already nine? Oh.."

"Hm? Yeah, it's break time already." Taehyun puts his phone down.

Beomgyu hums for a bit, thinking of what to do. He then smiles to himself before he tackles Taehyun into a hug, pulling him on top of Beomgyu.

"Yah!! Beomgyu! What are you doing??" Taehyun exclaimed, trying to pull himself back up.

"It's huggy time!" He giggles, his legs now wrapped over his back as well.

Taehyun's face felt like it was going to overheat. He let Beomgyu hug him though since he's a simp for him.

"How long do you want to hug for.. then?" Taehyun asked.

"Mm.. all break!" He says, pulling Taehyun closer. Their face was now inches apart.

"We're in public.. you know.." Taehyun whispers. Beomgyu just shrugged. "Then people can see?" He adds.

"Well let them see. After all, I have to show who's mine." Beomgyu winks.

Taehyun scoffed. "Wow, ok Mr. Flirt. I see how you wanna play." Taehyun brings his arms down closer to Beomgyu's head, making them even closer.

Beomgyu was actually not ready for that, so he squealed from the sudden closeness. Their foreheads are touching.

"How's that?" Taehyun said, only Beomgyu being able to feel his breath when he spoke over his lips.

"Mm-" Beomgyu didn't know what to do. If he moved in any way, their lips would touch. He wanted that, but at the same time he didn't know if Taehyun wanted that.

But he was saved by Taehyun himself when he leaned down and kissed him instead. Beomgyu's eyes widened from the surprise of course but he kissed back as well.

They separated themselves after a few seconds. Beomgyu smiling giddily while fidgeting with Taehyun's collar was a great sight to see for the pink haired boy.

The bell rang once more. It has already been 30 minutes, meaning break was over and they had to get to class in 5 minutes or less.

"Come on, Gyu. We gotta go now." Taehyun said, lifting himself off of Beomgyu. Though, the said boy had other plans.

He quickly pulled Taehyun back down, hugging him tightly while nuzzling his nose on the side of his neck.


"It's hug time!"

"Hugging time already passed. We have class now." Taehyun sternly said.

"Noo! Hug me forever!" Beomgyu whines. Taehyun sighed with a giggle. He scooped Beomgyu up by bringing his arms underneath his lower back and leg. He is now carrying him with Beomgyu's legs at his waist.

"Now are you willing to go to class?" Taehyun asked, already walking away from the corner table and booth.

Beomgyu nods. "Yup!" He said with a smile.

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