"Dont you dare"

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We finished reading and all looked up at each other " so"
" um the page just says everything we all ready know sir we learned this last month"
" did we oh yes so sorry you know what do t tell dumpledoor but you can have the whole class off till I find something new for next month" chears just filled the air and hagrid let us all go. Me pancy and Enzo all walked back up to the common room and started talking about a party of some sort
" so when is this"
" Friday 9:00"(pancy)
" I would go but I don't have any nice dresses"
" fine we will go shopping come on"me and Pancy stood up
" you coming Enzo"
" fuck yes I'll go tel them lot"
" there in class"
" and you don't think they will sneak out"
" true ok let's go" we all walked over to the history of magic classes and looked for them

I peaked my head through the door and saw them and Draco looked at me I moved my head slightly for them to come out and he pointed at Matheo blaze and Theo if I ment them as well and I nodded. Draco hit Matheo a bit a signals him to look at me. Once he did I moved my head again for them to come out " come on" I mouthed to them
" all of us" Matheo mouthed
" Yes" I mouthed back and he whisperers in blaze ear and Draco in Theo's I saw them look at the teacher who was looking the other way and they stood up slightly and ran out opening the door they saw pancy and Enzo " what do you want"(Matheo)
" we are going to town come on assholes"
" what I'm missing class to go out"(blaze)
"Yes now shut in and come on" I started walking snd look back to see them all looking at each other " right are we going to go or stand here and look at each other" they all looked at me and started walking.

We all got to town and me and pancy where walking in front and the boys followed behind death staring any boy who looked at us " so are you lot going to the party Friday"(enzo)
" stupid fucking question"
" calm down fucking hell riddl-"
" ENzo" I shouted to cut him of so he didn't get in an argument with him I put my are around his shoulder pulling him up the front with me and Pancy " what"
" let's not call him riddle he will start a massive argument" I whisper into his ear
And he let out a giggle " sorry"
" yeah fuck off back to the losers now" as he walked back to him I blew him a small sarcastic kiss and he pulled up his hand and grabbed in in a girly way " what was that about"(pancy)
"What was what"
" you and Enzo"
" we where playing around why"
" Matheo don't look to happy about it" I looked back at Matheo and saw him looking me right in the eye with a slight bit of anger in them " shit"

" it's fine all you got to do is.. hold on walk abit faster so they don't hear"
" hear what" (Draco and Matheo"
" NOTHING" I shouted running down the path with pancy stopping at a long distance away " ok what do I have to do"
" so all you got to do is pick out a nice bit of lingerie and a hot dress"
" why do you not want me to walk at that fucking party"
" oh right yeah" we both started laughing and they where now quite close " what are you talking about"(Draco)
" about how y/n is going to get a really fucking h-" I put my hand over her mouth
" don't you dare"
" sorry I don't actually know what happens then"
" ohh you wanna fuck himmmm" I looked at Enzo and he knew what to do and we both started making funny moaning noises

" Y/N SHUT THE FUCK UP" she put her hand over my mouth but now they where just muffled moans Draco then hit Enzo over the head and he stopped now it was only me but you couldn't really hear them I was laughing to much and she started hitting me a little bit " Ok ha ok I'll sTop" she took her hand away from my mouth and I put my hand up by Enzo and he game me a high five " nice one y/n"
" I know" we all started walking again and got to the shop " you guys can go to what ever you want now"
" I'll come in got nothing else to do" (Matheo)
"Yeah might as well"(Draco)
" are you all just going to come in?"
" yeah" ( Enzo,blaze and Theo)

We all walked in and I saw the dress and the lingerie sections and I pretty sure Matheo saw me looking cuse he came up behind me and whispered in my ear " go on love go get some but warning you may not walk"
" ok" me and pancy then walked over and they kinda followed behind and just watched us really " anyone else find it weird that we are just watching them get stuff like that "(blaze)
" yeah abit"(enzo)
" absolutely"( Theo)
" no" Matheo eyes where only on me
" not weird at all" Draco's eyes where on pancy
" pervs" (blaze)
" I've seen her naked it's not that perverted"
I just looked up at Matheo when I heard him say that and he was smirking
"Y/nnnn come here"
I turned around and walked over to Pancy and when I got there I started laughing it was a condom stand and they where quiet funny

" uh I'm going to hate this" Enzo then walked over and had a look at started laughing as well they all walked over and had a look Matheo then picked up some plain black ones and I just looked at him
" what do you want them ones"
" omg"
I just walked away and everyone was laughing I then saw a beautiful stand of dresses "Pancy"
" yeh"
" get your fine ass over here now"
" what" she walked over and saw the dresses " omg yes"we looked at each other and picked up one each trying not to let the boys see and walked over to the changing rooms

We walked out and looked at each other
" holy fuck pancy you look hot as fuck"
" Matheo might need to get more that one pack if you wear that"
" what"
" omfg" we walk out and saw Draco Matheo and Enzo sat on a sofa blaze in a chair and Theo stood up
" holy fuck" Enzo whisperd
" what" matheo brought his head up and looked at me and put a pillow over his trousers " told you" pancy nudged me
" shut it"
" you good there riddle"(Draco)
" omfg stop calling me riddle and yep fine"
" sure why don't you remove the pillow"(y/n)
" nah I'm good thanks"
"Alright handsome" we and pancy turn around and went back to the rooms and got changed and put the dressed back on the hangers and took them to the register and paid for the dresses and lingerie

"Right ready to go"
" yep let's go where are the boys"
" outside"
" oh ok let's go"we walked out and walked over to the boys we where about to head home when I saw a small vape shop and I have only ever tried other people's " hold on I'll be right back" I walked over and went in and saw an old friend " hey y/n it's been a while"
" holy fuck hey Sam"
" how have you been"
" I've been good you"
" good,good"
" so what can I get for you"
" umm 2 strawberry watermelon vapes please and 3 picks of your choice and do you have cigarettes?"
"Ohh good choice and yes we do you want some"
" yes please"
" I got your favourite"
" they still do them I thought they discontinued last year"
" they did but we have loads in the back"
" very nice I will be back"
" ok so 5 vaped and 2 packs of cigarettes one is on me"
" aw thank you"
" ok that will be £26.35"
" hear you go"
" oh and can I see some id"
" um-I"
" oh you should of seen your face"
" ok you dick" we laughed a bit and I left putting my stuff in my bag
" bye Sam see you soon"
" bye"

I walked back over to the others
" what did you get"
" a few things" I gave pancy,blaze,Theo,Enzo and Draco a vape each and Matheo a pack of cigarettes
" how did you get all this you don't have id"
" an old friend" they all said thanks and we went of

Tough and toxic but sweet--Matheo riddle xY/n Where stories live. Discover now