Chapter 12

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Liechtenstein stared in horror as Switzerland lay on the ground, holding his foot.
"vergesst es tut weh! Sie wissen nicht, wie man eine Waffe Frau erschießen? Verdammt! sie nicht einmal den ganzen Weg gehen durch! nehmen Sie mich in eine verdammt Krankenhaus now! Ficken!"
"Maybe you shouldn't tell me to shoot you," Hungary said as she shrugged. Liechtenstein stared at her mother.
"H-he told you to shoot him? W-why?" Liechtenstein asked, her whole body shaking. Hungary walked over to her and wrapped her arms around the small girl.
"Lili, Switzerland's sick. Half the time he doesn't know what he's saying or doing," Hungary said as she dropped the gun on the floor.
"He'll get better, won't he?" Liechtenstein asked, turning to look at Switzerland with tears welling at the corner of her eyes.
"Oh, of course dear. All sickness get better at some point in time. Now, why don't you go tell Austria that I said to make you some tea while I fix Switzerland's foot," Hungary said, ushering Liechtenstein to the door. Liechtenstein nodded and shot one last look at Switzerland, to find him passed out on the floor, holding his foot. Once Hungary shut the door, Liechtenstein walked downstairs to find Austria, no her father. It still came as a shock to her. She knew before that she had a mother and father, she had overheard Switzerland talking with it to someone over the phone on more than one occasion. Liechtenstein let out a sigh and walked down the stairs and into the kitchen, where she found Austria sitting at the table.
"A-Austria?" She said hesitantly. Austria looked up at her, shock on his face.
"Well, good morning Liechtenstein. I didn't think you'd be awake yet. Did you see where Hungary went? She ran upstairs in a rush-" Liechtenstein cut him off by pulling him into a hug and crying into his shoulder. "Oh.....what's wrong? What's happened?" Austria asked, rubbing her back.
"Hungary shot Switzerland."

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