Chapter 12

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"I don't know how I feel about it though. My family is split apart. I have a cousin that I never knew about and I still can't get control over these damn powers. The world is stacked against me and I have no were to turn'' I said as I blocked an attack. "I can't answer such questions Zane, the only one who can find peace in all this mess is you" Austin said as he tried to stab me. "Yet I still fight and continue on even though my heart is broken beyond repair" I said as I jumped back. "That is true Zane you do still continue to fight even though your heart can't continue to hold on any longer. That is because you don't want others to feel the pain and suffering of losing those they hold closest. Tragedy is sometimes just a blessing in disguise even when it means that you're broken beyond repair. Sure an eight year old boy lost his parents one fateful day. But that day changed that young boy into the most powerful monster hunter known to mankind. Sure you miss them with every walking moment but that has only been the fuel for why you fight. You fight so others don't experience that same pain" Austin said as he dodged my attack. "Why are you telling me the things I already know about Austin?" I asked with anger. "Because you don't truly understand them, Zane. I understand where you're coming from about how it should have been someone else. But what if it hadn't been your parents that night. The world could be in a much worse situation and all of humanity could have been destroyed within hours of another kids' parents being taken from them. Or'' Austin said as he blocked an attack. "Or that child could have destroyed all these monsters themselves without the help of the monster hunters" I said in anger. "That may be true Zane, another child could have done that. But the reason you were able to become a monster hunter was because of commander Nick taking you in and treating you as his own son. What if that child hadn't gotten lucky and met Nick. Then the world would still be in the same position it had been since before the death of that kid's parents. The only thing that would have changed is that child being an orphan or a member of the resistance" Austin said as he knocked me to the ground. He had a look of disappointment as he put his hand out to help me up. "Zane you easily could have beaten me without a second thought but you let anger and rage control your actions and guide your blade. When you rush into battle you run into it with a calm and collected attitude to guide your blade. You are the one who holds the broken hearts of those who can't protect themselves. I may not be able to understand that pain as my parents are still alive. But I don't want you to think you're alone in fighting off the demons alone. Yesterday is a clear example of that fact that you're not alone in this fight anymore. Me, Adam, Dylan, Alyssa, Alex, Commander Nathan, and Rylie are all here to help" Austin said as he put a hand on my shoulder. Tears ran down my face as Austin pulled me into a hug. "If my wife and child were still alive today I also wouldn't be a monster hunter. Everyone in the core has a story for why they joined. We all have experienced some sort of loss because of these monsters. You're not alone anymore Zane" Austin said as he let go of me. "Agreed Austin he isn't alone anymore. We all are going to be here for every step of the way to help you get over the loss of your parents. Even if you can't get control over your dark overflow, that doesn't mean you aren't powerful" Adam said as he walked over to us. "Thank you both of you for being here for me when I've needed you these past eight years of being in the core. Thank you for being here now even after I lost my adoptive father. I thank both of you for everything you have done for me and the debt I owe to you both is something I can never repay" I said in a soft tone. "You don't ever need to repay us because you never want to be repaid for saving us" Adam said with a smile. I whipped the tears from my eyes and pulled them both into a hug. "Thank you both of you" I said as I let go. "Captain Zane, Do you copy" I heard Caleb's voice say over my com. "What's the problem?" I asked with concern. "You as well as Captain Adam, and Captain Austin are to return to base as soon as possible" Caleb said in a calm tone. "What's wrong?" I asked with concern. "Members of the resistance have stormed the base and are mind controlling them. I barely escaped from them and I'm currently locked inside the server room hiding from them" Caleb said with concern. "Alright, where can you contact Dylan and tell him to meet us outside?" I asked. "Sorry Zane he was one of the first to be taken control of" Caleb replied. "Alright we're on our way. Now stay where you are if you must activate the server rooms emergency lock down if they get close to finding you. Also keep an eye on the security systems so the three of us have an easy way into the building if we need it" I said as I started running towards base. "Alright Zane I will" Caleb replied. "Adam where going to need your powers to stop the mind controlling of our cadets" I said as I looked back at him. "Alright Zane" he replied with a smile. We continued running towards base and as we reached it I felt as if we had been set up for a trap and Caleb had been mind controlled. "Hold on guys stop" I said as I stopped dead in my tracks. They both slowed down and looked at me confused. "Why are we stopping Zane? We need to save them" Austin asked, confused. "I'm worried that we've been set up by the resistance to make us return to base as soon as possible. So let's just keep that in mind and be on guard to make sure that we don't get mind controlled" I said as I grabbed my sword from my back. "Alright Zane" Austin said as he put his hand on the hilt of his sword. When we came to the entrance the doors were locked and the building was in lock down mode. "Damn it the building is in lock down mode meaning that it's going to be nearly impossible for us to get in '' Austin said with anger. "Don't be so sure about that Ausitn don't forget the security systems aren't as impenetrable as you believe them to be" Adam said with a smile. "All it means Austin is that we don't get to be quiet well breaking into this place. Now night blade hear my voice and release the darkness stored within you now for Night strike 10,000 slashes" I said as I broke down the door in a single attack. The door fell to the ground as Austin had a look of shock on his face as me and Adam ran inside headquarters. "None of the alarms triggered when we broke down the door, something seems off Adam" I said as I put my sword on my back. "Caleb must have disabled them from the server room to prevent us from being discovered" Adam replied. "I think our first plan of action is to save all the cadets in the building before we go and find out who took over. What do you think Austin '' I asked as I looked behind me. When I turned around I found him fighting multiple core members so I charged in and knocked all of them to the ground in one swift attack. "Are you alright Austin?" I asked with concern. "I'm fine Zane, they had just jumped out as you were turning around" Austin replied. "Memory rewrite" Adam said as he rewrote the memories of the cadets on the ground. "Ugh what happened I have such a splitting headache all of a sudden" one of them said. "Cadets of the monster hunter core on your feet" Austin said in a stern tone. All of them stood up within seconds of hearing Austin's voice. "Sorry Captain Austin," one of them said in a nervous tone. "It's alright cadets a lot is going on right now and we're glad you're alright" Adam said as he took a step closer. "Why what's going on?" one of them asked. "Members of the resistance have taken over the base and we need your help to capture the remaining cadets so Captain Adam can stop the mind control over them" Austin replied. "I remember now two members of the resistance walked into the building claiming to be new members that started today. But as we went to go and find captain Jacob they started attacking. From what I recall they're looking for a member of squad Divine named Alyssa" one of them replied. "Zane, she is your cadet and isn't she out for captain training currently" Austin asked with concern. "Yes her, Alex, and Rylie are currently out for captain training so why would the resistance be attacking when Alyssa isn't even here" I asked with confusion. "I don't know but cadets go and capture as many of the other monster hunter cadets you can and report back to us when you've captured them all" Austin said as he motioned for them to leave. They all ran in other directions leaving the three of us alone again. "Zane you know why their attacking base and aren't telling us the truth" Adam said with concern. I wanted to lie to them but I knew Austin would be able to see right through any lie I came up with in a second. Alyssa is my cousin and when our grandparents were killed her and her family sided with the resistance were as my parents sided with the monster hunters. She was told that me and my mother had died during childbirth and that my father with such grief killed himself. She never believed them but never pushed the subject fearing she would make them upset. Sure she had an elder cousin but not even I knew I had an elder brother tell after his death just months ago. So her parents must have figured out that she knew what they were saying was a lie and sided with the monster hunters" I said in an upset tone. "Alright Zane lets get this over with and stop them before they cause any more problems" Austin said in a stern tone. "Adam you go and save as many cadets as you can me and Austin will go and search for Caleb and make sure he's alright contact us if you find Commander Nathan over the com links and will rush over" I said as I started running towards the server room. "Understood," Adam said as he ran in the opposite direction. Austin was right behind me with a grin on his face. "This reminds me of the first day we met Zane," Austin said with a small laugh. "Ya but this time the stakes are much higher and more lives could be lost if we make one wrong move" I replied in anger. "The other major difference is that both of us are now captains of the most powerful squads in the monster hunter core" Austin said as he ran up next to me. As we approached the server room I saw cadets in front of its doors trying to break it down. "Caleb must have activated the server room's security system. Dark flash" I said as I knocked out the cadets trying to break down the door. "It seems that whoever is controlling them can't take over completely and use their powers because it's been easy to defeat them this far," Austin said with a small laugh. "Whatever the faster we take them down the faster Adam can rewrite the memories and get them back on our side. Caleb are you in the server room" I asked as I banged on the steel door. I didn't get a response and I took a step back and got ready to attack the door. "Stand back Austin '' I said as I lit my sword ablaze with blazing night. "Night blade please hear my voice and release the darkness within and create blazing night" I said as I lit my sword ablaze with even more intense flames than before. I thrusted my sword into the steel door and watched as the steel started to melt allowing me to carve a door into the server room. When I finally was able to get in I quickly cooled off the hot steel with dark winds of space. As me and Austin stepped into the dark server room I heard something being thrown at me from the left of me and quickly chopped it up with my sword. "Zane, are you alright?" Austin asked with concern. "I'm fine Ausitn" I replied in a stern tone. "Captain Zane and Captain Austin thank goodness you've arrived" Caleb said in a nervous tone as he came out of the darkness. "Caleb was his commander Nathan" I asked with concern. "After the resistance entered captain Zander got commander Nathan out of the building to protect him. Zander said he was leaving squads Safe and Ranger at the location to protect commander Nathan. Well, he returned to base to help to take care of this threat" Caleb replied with worry. "Alright. Austin let's continue towards the ones that caused this problem in the first place. Caleb stay here and watches the security cameras and relay information over the com links to me and Austin '' I said as I put my sword on my back. "Alright Zane I will '' Caleb replied with confidence. "Let's get moving, Zane," Austin said as he started leaving the server room. "Alright" I said as I followed. Me and Austin then started running down the halls of the monster hunter building taking down any core members that tried to stop us. "Captain Zane and Captain Austin, the members of the resistance, are currently in Commander Nathan's office sitting as if they're waiting for someone to arrive" Caleb said with concern. "Thanks Caleb, me and Austin will head that way now" I said as I hit the button on my com link. "Well then let's pick up the pace so we can stop them" Austin said as he started picking up the pace. I followed Austin as we kept running down the halls of headquarters. When we finally came to the office I stood in front of the door with anger on my face and tears in my eyes. "I made a promise to mom and dad. I will fulfill that promise I made to you just a couple days ago" I said as I pit my hand on the hilt of my sword. "Are you ready? Austin said as he put his hand on the hilt of his sword. "Yes'' I said as I grabbed my sword. Before I could even kick the door down I noticed a small explosive attached to the door knob that would be able to destroy the entire room with just the push of a button killing everyone inside in a moment without another thought. So I grabbed it and quickly disarmed it before it could cause any damage. Then I had Austin kick open the door and a man looking to be in mid 50's sat in Nathan's chair wearing a dark blue shirt and a pair of sunglasses on his face. A woman looking to be in her late 40's stood next to him wearing a red shirt with black pants. She had a small grin on her face as she put a hand on the man's shoulder. "You're not my daughter. I want my daughter not whoever you two are '' the man said with frustration as he slammed his hand on Nathan's desk. "I'm sorry to say but I don't know who your daughter is" I said as I tightened my grip on my sword. "My daughter's name is Alyssa Soaring," the man replied. "Her name doesn't ring a bell" I replied with frustration. "Well then will make you know who she is by pounding it into your skulls" he said as he stood up. Austin got ready by getting into a fighting stance. Well, I tightened my grip on my sword. We stood staring at each other for what felt like hours when it was only minutes at best. None of us wanted to make the first move fearing we would give away our abilities or powers. "Thunderous gods electric storm" the man said as he attacked. Austin and I quickly dodged the attack by jumping to the sides of the door and then entered Nathan's office. "Give me back my daughter," the woman said in anger as she charged towards me and Austin. "Thunderous web" the man said as he trapped me and Austin inside an electric dome. "We can't attack the dome with our swords because the electric shock will be strong enough to kill us," Austin said as he put his sword in its sheath. The dome started to close in on me and Austin and I had to think fast. "Alright fine I'll tell you the truth as long as you let Austin go without any problems" I said as I dropped my sword to the ground. "That's more like it," the man said as the dome disappeared. "What are you doing? If you do this then you're risking not only your life but Alyass's as well" Austin said in shock. "Don't worry about that" I replied in a serious tone. "Tell us child where our daughter is' ' the woman replied as she grabbed a small retractable knife from her pocket. "Your daughter is currently completing captain training and is unavailable at the moment" I said in a stern tone. "You spew lies, child, what is your name before I go ahead and kill you and your friend? '' the woman said as she stood in front of me. "You really want to know my name," I said in a stern tone. "Yes, tell us we like to know the names of every monster hunter before we kill them in cold blood," the woman said as she put the knife to my neck. "My name is Zane," I said in a stern tone. She wasn't happy with my answer and neither was the man. "We want your full name, not just your first name," the man said with anger. "Zane Alexander Destiny" I replied with a smile. They both had looks of shock and the woman dropped her knife to the ground. "What's so shocking about my name that you dropped your knife?" I asked with a sarcastic tone. "You spew lies, child your name isn't Destiny. What is your real name? '' the man said in frustration. "I'm really telling you the truth, my elder brother was Jason Destiny and my parents were Jessica and Noah Destiny. Ring any bells to you two" I said as I quickly picked up my sword. "How did you find that out?" my aunt asked with fear in her eyes. "What I tell you is the truth and I'm not lying about us being family" I replied as I took a step forward. My uncle had a look of shock on his face as I walked closer to him. "Don't you try anything or I dissolve you with my acid if you make a move" Austin said from behind me. I turned my head and saw my aunt trying to reach for the knife she had dropped moments ago. "Do you think I'm scared of you damn children?" my aunt asked with a small laugh. "You should be because you're in the presence of the most powerful monster hunters in the core. I'm Austin Walker, the captain of squad Delta and your nephew Zane is the captain of squad Divine. So I would shut up and not make either of us angry" Austin said as he pushed my aunt against the wall. They both had looks of shock as they tried to find the words to speak. "Sixteen years ago you lied to your daughter and claimed that me and my family were dead. Eight years ago I almost joined the resistance after losing both my parents to these damn monsters. And yet all you did was sit back lie to your daughter when you could have been by my side comforting me in my darkest hours. Instead I was forced to wonder about this earth alone without the comfort or support of my family. You sided with the resistance because you didn't want to take the blame for letting your family down. You wanted to take the easy way and believe that everyone else is to blame that you're always right. You're both nothing but cowards who only care about staying alive rather than using your own body as a shield in battle. Everyday I risk my life to prevent others from feeling the same pain and suffering I feel with every waking moment of my life. Now I'm going to give you three choices and you both get to pick one. You can join me in the monster hunter core and be a part of my family again so I at least have something left of my parents. You can leave and never return and must forget about your daughter Alyssa and never bother her again. Or I can kill you both in one swift strike without a second thought. Go ahead, you both get to make the choice" I said as with a stern tone and tears welling up in my eyes. "You think we're scared of death, none of that scars the two of us. So go ahead and kill the both of us Zane. Because we both know that you don't have the guts" my uncle said as I quickly moved the sword close to his neck. "You want to continue speaking and saying that I don't have the guts to kill you. Because you made me suffer for eight years without the love and protection from a member of my family. Now shut up before you tick me off even more and let me do the talking" I said in a very stern tone. My uncle's face had even more shock on his face as I tightened the grip on my sword. "So you've got three options and I'm giving you all three of them right now. Hurry up and choose or I will" I said as my tears fell to the ground. "Thunderous" my uncle said as he tried to attack. "Blazing night" I said as I lit my sword ablaze. My uncle had a look of horror on his face as he felt the heat coming from the blaze. "I told you that I was the one who was going to do the talking now, make up your damn mind" I said as the flames extinguished from my sword. Before my uncle could even respond a voice came from behind me. "That's enough for all of you," Alyssa said as she entered the room. I quickly pulled my sword away from my uncle's neck and returned it to its sheath. "Mom and Dad, what are you two doing here?" Alyssa asked with a stern tone. "We're here to retrieve you from these wretched monster hunters" my aunt said in a cocky tone. "Enough of that bull crap. You claimed my entire life the monster hunters were our enemies. When that isn't true. It's all because you don't want to come to grips with the fact that you couldn't protect my grandparents. I've had enough of all this and I want you both to leave and never return" Alyssa said in a very pissed off tone. "No not until we take care of these two ungrateful brats and kill them and bring you back with us" My uncle said as he got ready to attack. "Go ahead Zane and Austin I give you full permission to hurt them" Alssya said with tears in her eyes. I quickly kicked my uncle to the ground. Well Austin threw my aunt next to him. They both lied on the ground as I jumped onto Nathan's desk. "My offer still stands if you want to join the monster hunters. Other wise you can get out of my sight and never return" I said in a stern tone. My uncle looked at my aunt and smiled at her with a very suspicious smile. "Dark containment" I said as I covered the room in darkness preventing attacks or explosives from harming us. "Don't think you're going to be able to harm us. Zane knows every trick in the book when it comes to fighting. He has fought more battles than most of the captains combined and doesn't like sitting around waiting to be called into action. That is why he is known as the captain of squad Divine who has a battle IQ so high he can predict your movements before you even make them" Austin said in a cocky tone. My aunt and uncle became even more shocked as I threw a small deactivated explosive onto my uncle. "How did you know about this? '' My uncle asked with shock. "It was obvious as soon as we made it to the door. Maybe next time you shouldn't leave it on the door knob like an idiot" I said with a cocky tone. Both my aunt and uncle looked concerned as I jumped off Nathan's desk and in front of both of them. "Now I've given you the choices so hurry up and decide on which one you're going to choose. Because as soon as you say it will take effect" I said in a stern tone. "I would believe him because he isn't very friendly when he gets mad. And trust me you wouldn't know how often all of us piss him off" Austin said in a cocky tone. "Mom and Dad I know you can make the right choice and reject the resistance and join us in the monster hunter core. Zane might be mean but he is also very kind in caring. Please make the right choice for me and for your nephew" Alyssa said with tears in her eyes. My aunt and uncle looked at each other with tears in their eyes as they grabbed one another's hand. "Please mom and dad I want you both back in my life and Zane needs you now more than ever in this time of need. Just because you lost your parents doesn't mean you had it the worst. Because that goes to Zane who lost them both of his at the age of only eight years old. And yet you sit here and claim that you had it the worst. Well you didn't, you chose not to grow from that experience and become better" Alyssa said as her tears fell to the ground. My aunt and uncle didn't respond for a few minutes looking for the words to speak. "Are you sure this is the choice we want to make?" my uncle asked with concern. "I believe it's the only choice we have left, '' my aunt replied with worry. My uncle looked me dead in the eyes with fear embedded into them as his tears ran down his face. "Maybe all those years ago we were wrong and maybe your parents were right about needing to move on in life. Maybe we just wanted to live in the past and blame those that did their best to save them. I guess we owe all of you an apology" My uncle said as he whipped the tears from his eyes. "Everyone deserves a second chance and deserves forgiveness. Sure those you've killed will be unable to forgive you for all the pain and suffering you have caused their family's. So are you sure this is the choice you both want to make" I asked with a stern tone. Both my aunt and uncle shook their heads as they stood up. "Dark containment release" I said as the darkness around us dispersed into the air. Alyssa ran over to her parents and hugged them tightly as her tears ran down her face. "Thank you mom and dad for making the right choice" Alyssa said as she whipped the tears from her eyes. "Now I want you to release all of the cadets you have under your control" I said in a stern tone. "Alright Zane" my aunt said as she released all the cadets from her spell. I felt a small presence and what felt like hands on my shoulders. I could even feel the warmth of my mothers smile pouring onto me as my tears welled up into my eyes. My aunt and uncle both looked at me as they noticed the tears in my eyes and walked over to me. "From now on Zane will do everything in our power to help you through your pain and suffering. That is if you can forgive us for causing pain and suffering ourselves' ' My uncle said in an upset tone. I dropped my sword to the ground and pulled both of them into a hug. "Zane, are you alright?" Zander asked as he charged into the room. "I'm fine Zander, no need to worry" I said as I let go of my aunt and uncle. Zander had a soft smile on his face as relief washed over his face. Today was the day I had part of my family back and that was the best gift I could ever ask for. 

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