Chapter 1

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The breeze blew through Ivy's fur as he returned to camp, a fat shrew and a plump mouse hanging from his jaws. He wasn't the most skillful fighter, but he could hunt to feed the entire group before sunhigh. Granted, that only required catching maybe 4 pieces of prey if they were fat enough, and with greenleaf still here, it wasn't that hard.

As he padded into camp he saw Leaf, his littermate and the clans healer, drying herbs in a patch of sunlight. Ivy placed his shrew on the freshkill pile and brought his mouse over to Leaf.

"It's been a long day, are you hungry?" He asked as he placed his shrew by the healers paws.

"Thank you." Leaf mewed greatfully as she bent her head to take a bite. "Would you like some?" She asked Ivy as she prodded the mouse towards his paws.

"No thanks, I ate while I was out." He replied and pushed the mouse back to Leaf's paws. "It's all yours."

Leaf nodded and once Ivy saw her eat again he padded off towards Fang. "Anymore trouble from that kittypet?" He asked her as he sat down besides her.

"After the clawing I gave him yesterday? He'd be dung-brained to even consider returning." She replied as she flexed her claws into the ground.

"I'd hope so." Ivy nodded. The kittypet was a fierce cat, definitely someone they needed to keep away from their group. He'd called himself Slasher, a fitting name for a cat like him. Ivy had been surprised at their first encounter with Slasher. Kittypets were normally very weak and timid, mostly staying out of the way of the clan cats.

"We should check the border to the twoleg place." Fang meowed to Ivy as she continued to tear up the dirt. "We won't be safe until we are sure that we've dealt with him permanently."

Ivy nodded in agreement. "We could go check right now if you'd like. We'll have to ask Badger, but he would agree with us on this matter."

"Yes let's go." Fang nodded and padded over to Badger, Ivy following closely behind.

"Hello Fang, Ivy," Badger dipped his head to each cat as they approached. "Is something the matter?"

Ivy was about to speak when Fang cut him off. "We need to make sure that dungfaced kittypet is gone for good." She hissed, not at Badger but at the situation.

"So you want to go to the twoleg place?" Badger flicked his ears as he listened.

Ivy shook his head. "No, just to the border to make sure that there's no fresh scents."

"Very well." Badger nodded. "Take Fern with you just in case, he's a skilled fighter."

Ivy knew the real reason Badger wanted Fern to come. It was because of Fang's temper and aggression. Ivy knew he wouldn't be able to stop Fang from leaping into battle, but Fern definitely could and would. He was a very reasonable cat and would very easily be able to hold Fang back as it was true that he was an excellent fighter.

"Yes Badger." Ivy nodded before Fang could protest.

Once Badger dipped his head to dismiss the two cats, they went to fetch Fern.

"Fern!" Ivy called out across the camp.

"He's sleeping in his den." Sky called from across the clearing.

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