x Reader "Blackened"

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A Komaeda x Reader requested by @ayumikomaeda



The rest of the group kept telling you that you seemed out of place, you were very wary of your surroundings and kept quiet during most of the conversations. You didn't want to worry too much and over think though. You wanted to be alone and slowly walked towards the beach. You didn't want to trust anyone but it was like you had no other choice. Something blocking the sun brought back your attention.

"Hey (Y/N)" Komaeda stood there grinning.

"Hi" You replied back as you turned away. The boy seemed worried and kept asking if you where ok. You didn't want to reply 'cause you felt as thought it wasn't any of his business. He knew you weren't going to answer him but he continued asking if everything was alright and if you wanted to talk about it

His words drilled into you head as you stood up in rage and said "DOES IT LOOK LIKE I AM OK TO YOU?" You tried to process all your thoughts and emotions that where going through your head but you were tired of keeping everything to yourself. Komaeda was starting to feel worried as to why you were acting this way.

"(Y/N)" He said in a distressed voice while he reached his hand out to you

"Get away from me!" You shouted and the boy stepped back.

"STOP ACTING LIKE YOU UNDERSTAND, YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND, NO ONE FUCKING UNDERSTANDS. WHAT IF IM NEXT TO BE MURDERED? NOBODY IS GOING TO CARE, NOBODY EVER CARED IN THE FIRST PLACE." He just looked at you, he didn't know what to say. You saw him staring at you with the look of despair in his eyes.

Its not like you were being targeted by the others, in fact they seemed to like you...But...You wanted to keep your emotions out of the picture as it just seemed to mess things up but,it wasn't working anymore.

"WHAT?" You felt a rush of anger come over you. You moved towards him, grabbed shoulder and pushed him aside. Komaeda never saw this side of you and to be honest, he wish he never had. You pressed your back against nearby tree and slide down.Tears started to fall from your eyes as you screamed

Maybe its was not the fact that you were scared that you would become just another victim, But the fact that you considered killing and didn't second think it. You wanted komaeda's help but you wanted to leave here so bad that you might become just other "blackened.

He didn't like to see anyone like this, especially you. "If you don't want to talk about it that's fine just...I don't want to see you hurt and crying" You felt reassurance but you didn't want to show him it. He was in the same situation as you after all and even if he didn't talk about it if must of felt the same way.

"So...Are you sure you don't want to talk about any of it?" You didn't want to make him worry any more then he already had. You faced him and smiled.

"I'm ok now". You did appreciate the fact that he wanted to make you feel better but you rather just be with him.


So there you go x3. Hope it was good. I liked this request because for once komaeda wasn't the one who went sorta crazy xD

I have another idea for a one shot but I still need an scenario for it, Any ideas? Either way it will be up tomorrow x

Request still open if you have any :p

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