Savanah Shuck

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Will took a deep breath. He'd been dragged to one of the biggest parties of the year by his older sister, Kali. The sheer amount of college students clogging up the streets of the small beach town. Will wearing a graphic tee and black swim trunks, not willing to take off his shirt out of self-consciousness. Kali walks backward a bit ahead of him.

"Come on! Have a little fun!" She says laughing.

"I just think this is a bad idea." Will spoke with hesitant conviction.

She stopped in the middle of the sidewalk and crossed her arms. She shifts her weight to one side.

"Let's get you a drink." She begins,
"And maybe a boy, and we'll see if you still think that." She says teasingly.

Wills eyes widen, and he immediately reaches to cover her mouth.

"Shut up! I told you that in confidence." He says in gritted teeth, his face pinkened in embarrassment.

She quickly giggled and grabbed his arm, dragging him down the sidewalk. Soon enough, they have gotten to the pier. There isn't a space without people in it. Intoxicated college students litter the shops and bars, trying anywhere near the sand would've been a lost cause. Will stood silently by the railing looking out at the crashing waves, waiting for Kali to come back.

An uneasy feeling crept up his spine. He tried his best to pass it off as social anxiety from all the people.

"Hey!" She called out, walking over to me with two drinks in her hands.


"Quit being all depressing and drink this." She quickly shoved a drink into his hand.

Will took a sip, making a face at the strong taste of what he could only assume was tequila. Kali had eventually wandered off with a few of her friends and who he assumed to be her girlfriend, Dottie.

Will continued nursing his drink through the night, only finishing around 2. He had found his way down from the peir to the only open tourist-y surf shop. He looked around at the array of fake shark teeth and tacky souvenirs, rolling his eyes. He was prompted to turn around by a group of heavily inebriated boys laughing obnoxiously. Wills eyes widened as his breath hitched. He frantically looked around the store for another exit. There wasn't one.

He quickly fled to the back of the store, practically hugging the wall as he tried to sneak out. Just as he got to the door, he was yanked backward. He looked back at him.

"Troy! Uhm..Hi." Will spoke nervously with wide eyes. His cheeks flushed much quicker from the alcohol.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" Troy snarled out pushing Will forward.

"My-" He stuttered out, his voice catching in his throat. "My sister wanted me to come."

"Yeah?" Troy asked sarcastically before spitting out a threat, "Get lost before I knock your fuckin' teeth in, Fairy."

Will glupped before stumbling backward, he quickly turned around and fled across the street. He looked around for a second, unsure of where to go. He stepped into the closest building, a crowded bar.

Savanah ShuckWhere stories live. Discover now