Uneasy Road

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Will curiously looked around the nautical decorated bar, weaving his way through the clusters of kids. He eventually gets to the bar and sits down. Taking a few deep breaths.

"What can I get ya?" The bartender asks, her voice a bit scratchy. The name tag pinned to her shirt said, 'ROBIN :)'

"Oh! Uhm.. I don't want anything." Will quickly answered. Something in the background catching his attention.

A news broadcast, entailing a town right next to his own.
"That's right, folks, once again, a man has been found dead in the wooded perimeters of Historic Savanah."

Wills eyes focused on the TV, his eyebrow raised a bit.

The broadcaster continued, "Police say the cause was natural. However, locals seem to believe it was a supernatural entity known as The Black Shuck." She said with a bit of mockery.

"Don't get too freaked out about that." Robin said as she sat a glass of water down in front of him.


"The uh-" She points up to the TV, "The shit about the Black Shuck. It isn't real. Just somethin' the oldies came up with to scare tourists off."

Wills face feel flat in disappointment.

"I'm from here." He said with snark. Her eyes quickly widened

"Oh."  She said with a laugh, covering her mouth.

Will laughed as well.

"Do you think it was the Black Shuck?" He asked genuinely. He tilted his head as he sipped the water.

"I dunno. Heard earlier, one of the bodies had claw marks. Cops said it was a bear." Robin answered.

"Hm." Will thought for a moment. "Have you seen my sister? Indian, punk-ish?"

"Yeah! I think she's at the pub across the street!" She answers quickly.

"Thanks." He says, seeming a bit out of it. He puts a dollar down on the bar and walks out. He whips his head right the left.

He spots the pub to his right. He begins to walk but slowly feels a bit of anxiety creeping up his back out of fear that Troy continues to lurk around.

He quickly scurried his way into the pub and weaved his way through the crowds.

"Kali?" He called out. No response.

He walked up to the bar, swung his head from side to side, getting a bit dizzy from the loud noises and flashing lights.

"Kali!" He yelled just a little louder. He spots her from across the bar and walks over as fast as possible.

He yanks her by her shoulder.

"Kali, I wanna leave!"

Kalis face dropped, and she rolled her eyes.

"Oh, c'mon. Seriously?" She asks a little annoyed, throwing her hands up.

Will looks at her, pleading. It seems that Troy got to him a little more than he'd care to admit.

"Okay. Okay. C'mon." She says a little softer. She grabs him by his upper arm and pulls him out of the pub.

They walk down the town to her car in completely silence, Will because he feels a bit guilty and Kali because she's a dick when she's drunk.

They eventually get to the car, and Kali turns the key in the ignition, the car stuttering and hesitating to crank. Once they got the car cranked, Kali stepped on the gas and swerved a bit.

Despite what she seems to believe, Kali is not a better driver when she's drunk.

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⏰ Last updated: May 09 ⏰

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