Promises of the Future

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"We never called school."
"I did. Told them there was an accident and you had to go to hospital, so I came with you as your closest friend."
"Doesn't that seem a bit suspicious?"
"Hmm?" Jack raised his eyebrows as he tapped on the steering wheel, trying desperately to act casual.
"I'm from America, and you took my first day of school off. You weren't there. Nada."
"I told them we are old family friends."
"And they believed you?"
"If you want me to ring them and tell them I lied, but I was actually making out with you who woke up at 2pm because of a heavy hangover, I'll do it."
Ralph gasped, looking over, "You wouldn't!"
"Hey. The teachers know I'm gay - it was bound to happen at some point."
"What am I gonna tell Heidi?"
"You're not worrying about her, are you? Tell her we fucked and that'll be it. She'll spread it like wildfire and soon enough everyone will realize that you're not a virgin anymore, I'm extreme gay - more gay than they suspected - and that you are too. What's the big deal?"
"We didn't... Fuck. Um." Ralph ran his hand through his hair, thinking that if he could blush, he would.
"A problem we can solve for another day." Jack said with a laugh, turning round the final corner to the costal street. This made Ralph stammer with nerves,
"I- I- I-"
"I know, I know. You've never kissed anyone before me. But believe me, you were putting out a different message earlier in bed."
"I don't have a double bed."
"That's okay." Jack flashed a grin in the brunette's direction. "Do you have a spare room?"
"Yes. I have several as it a family holiday home."
"Your parents have a double bed?"
"I'm not having sex in my parents bed!"
"So you'd have sex if it wasn't in your parents bed?"
"That's - that's irrelevant!"
Jack grinned and swerved the car round, causing a lot of car honking and protests. "We're going to hardware store and I am investing in a double bed."
"It'd never arrive on time!"
"Why Ralph! Are you suggesting you want to make love tonight? This very night? Wow! That is so not what my horoscope said!"
"I didn't mean... I mean... Oh Jack." Ralph turned the last word into a whimper and the noise made Jack, who had turned into a side street, slam on the brakes.
"Oh fuck that was a sexy noise."
"Ah, fuck me."
"Or I'll fuck you."
"Either way, I can't have you making sex noises in perfectly innocent conversations."
"We were talking about getting a double bed!"
"No. I was talking about getting a double bed, you were talking about sex."
"Jack!" Ralph protested.
"Fuck it, I'll fuck you in a single." Ralph didn't reply but when Jack looked over he noticed that Ralph's eyes were wider than usual. "Well. I won't fuck you. It'll be making love. Much more romantic."
"You're not ready?" Ralph nodded in reply. "You were the one talking about sex. But never mind, just sleeping in the same house as you is enough to give me a thrill." The redhead started the car and drove quick enough round the block that they were soon clambering into Ralph's house, where Jack gently pushed Ralph against the corridor wall, the front door still hanging open. "That doesn't mean I'm not going to take advantage of willingness to make out though." Jack Merridew had never grinned so wickedly in his life as he kicked the door shut with a well placed aim of his foot. The door swinging shut plunged the corridor into darkness so it only made Ralph's heart flutter more than he thought possible when he felt Jack's mouth on his forehead. "Bloody hell. I was aiming for the mouth. Forgot you were smaller than me." Ralph whimpered, pushing Jack away in annoyance. "I'm kidding! I know exactly where your mouth is. But I first kissed you on the forehead and that is where I wanted to kiss you in the dark for the first time."
"Excuses." Even though Jack couldn't see him, Ralph rolled his eyes in exasperation, inhaling just as Jack kissed him, properly this time, his lips rough on Ralph's own. His breath hitched and air was forgotten about as he melted under Jack's touch, the heat of their love turning him into butter and Jack's lips were so rough yet so gentle at the same time and his resistance melted, sinking into the kiss as if it was the last moment they'd spend together. Embracing: gentle yet firm, loving yet caring, passionate yet cautious. Ralph's lips parted in a sigh and the redhead took this as an excuse to slip his tongue into the brunette's mouth, exploring as if it was completely new territory. Reveling, relishing the moment of when two who came together, two who could seem so wrong to anyone else yet feel so right together. Jack broke away, panting and Ralph realized they could have gone for minutes without air, but that was okay. Because each other was the only oxygen they needed.
"Can I please carry you to bed? We'll claim your parents room as our own and they can have yours. Bloody hell Ralph, I just want to hold you in my arms." Ralph swung his weight into Jack's waiting arms, wrapping his knees around Jack's hips, so he was now taller than the redhead and he grinned from above.
"I thought you wouldn't push me into it unprepared."
"Bloody hell, I've never wanted anything more. But this time, I just want to hold you in my arms as you fall asleep, kiss your lips until they're bruised, shower you in love-"
"And hope that sometime soon I'll be ready to go all the way?"
"Ralph. I've waited 5 years to see you again, let alone to actually get to make out with you. Believe me, I'm happy with whatever I can get." Ralph chuckled,
"Carry me to bed then."
"Thought you'd never ask." Jack swung Ralph round into his arms in a position so that he could see where he was going and climb up the stairs without any accidents, but keeping him crushed against his body so he could feel the sparks of the brunette's touch light his skin slight, "Besides: I need time to properly explore your chest."
"Promise me you won't get sad again?"
"I can't. But I promise I won't pull away if you don't want me too." This seemed a good enough agreement for now, so Ralph pointed out his room, and then his parents. "Where too?"
"Double bed." Jack replied with out a moment's hesitation.
"I was afraid you might say that." Ralph leant up and kissed the redhead's rough lips, "I'm going to have to punish you."
"I look forward to it." Kicking the door open, Jack was unprepared for the sheer size of the bed. As the lights flickered on, motion sensors, the bed was revealed to be a massive King sized. No complaints there. Grinning seductively, Jack dropped Ralph into the bed.


Jack watched in horror as his hunters crowded around Ralph, all fired up and ready kill, chanting, "Kill the pig! Kill the pig!" Pushing his way through the crowds, he did the only thing he could think to give Ralph a chance at hanging onto life. He ran him through with his spear and shouted the hardest words he could think of, "RUN!" His fake laugh sounded alien, even to him. Ralph stumbled down onto one knee. In any other situation this would have made Jack's heart skip at the sight of it. But Ralph's blood was running down onto the floor. "RUN!" He repeated until everyone was chanting it and Ralph had pushed himself up, casting one, last, heavy glare. Not at everyone. Just at Jack. Jack wished right there and then that the ground would swallow him whole. His heart snapped into splinters at the thought of Ralph, cute, funny, adorable little Ralph hating him. His voice cracked as he cried out once more, "Run!"

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