OC (updated)

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Name: Adrian Marwood
Meaning: The name Adrian has a few meanings but I took the inspiration off of a saint with the same name, Marwood is an old French term for "evil look" which is relating to the character's stare. The first name associating with positive and the last name associating with negative reflects on internal conflict.
Age: 15-19 throughout the story
Gender: Male
Birthday: November 11th
Birthplace: *changes depending on rp*
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Single
Hobbies: star watching, reading, and cracks his fingers.
Fear(s): autophobia. Atychiphobia: if he gets near to failing he tends to just shut himself down.
Personality: Throughout the story his character shifts, but the one trait that remains prominent is his swift tongue due to his cunning nature, preferring to talk himself out of a situation rather than fighting. He comes off as cold and apathetic, seemingly indifferent about the others around him. Despite those negatives, the more he's around his peers the more he picks up from them. Potentially dropping his rough exterior in exchange for a warmer one.
Love interest: (dependent on the rp, good with oc x oc as well)

Food: Soup/Broth
Color: Red
Season: Winter
Time of Day: night



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Height: 15-5'9  17-5'10 19- 6'2Weight: 15- 138lbs 17- 155lbs 19- 195lbsHair Color: Predominantly black, however his hair began to whiten at a young age due to a mix of a genetic mutation and an overwhelming amount of stress in his youth

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Height: 15-5'9 17-5'10 19- 6'2
Weight: 15- 138lbs 17- 155lbs 19- 195lbs
Hair Color: Predominantly black, however his hair began to whiten at a young age due to a mix of a genetic mutation and an overwhelming amount of stress in his youth.
Eye Color: Grey
Body Shape/Build: 15-Lean/athletic 19-toned
Birth Marks: below his lip
Scar(s): nothing very noticeable
Other: usually has dark circles around his eyes from a lack of sleep. Various black line tattoos across his arms/ flank of the abdomen

Memory: healthy
Sight: he doesn't have any issues with his vision, but his eyes are sensitive to bright lights due to the lack of melanin in his iris.
Mental: mild schizoid personality disorder (by the time the story starts it's remitted but he still holds some of the traits) other than that he's healthy
Physical: Healthy
Sleep patterns: insomniac
Allergies/Other: none

Abilities/Statistics (1- lowly skilled, 10- highly skilled)
3D Maneuvering Gear: 9
Intelligence: 7
Martial Arts:6
Battle Skill: 6
Agility: 9
Strategy: 7
Teamwork: 4
Passion: 6

Titan Shifter: (dependent on the rp)

History/Life: Dependent on the rp (I like to experiment with different backgrounds)

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