The Hideout

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I am beginning to get hungry and my feet are throbbing. "Can we stop?" I asked. "No, we have only been walking for 4 hours." Finn said. "If you want to stay ahead of these things we need to keeps moving." Finn has always had a kind of anger to these things. His family was chosen to be killed in the forgerous and Finn had the same task as me. The forgerous was plan A to the population problem because it was less expensive. 1/5 family's were chosen to be a part of it in a raffle. Finn's family was one of the unlucky ones. My family wasn't chosen but died in a fire started by someone's family who was. Finn has always had a distinct hatred for the keepers. They were the people who did the raffle, I guess. After a certain number of rights were passed forgerous was then illegal and punishable by death which is pretty ironic. Then came along Plan B which was picking a new planet to start again. I remember the last ship that left. I knew at that point I was now forgotten and not important. I know I could only try to survive. The last ship of course left 150 years ago when I was 340 years old. This year is the 150th anniversary to celebrate absolutely nothing. Most people at this time live till 700 and that's probably why the over population started. Once we settled on Mars we thought we would always be one step ahead but that was stupid. I guess all I can do now is to look up at the white sky and wonder if they are ever coming back. "Shelter," said Finn as we quickly dive under two rocks and drink our little water. Tibbles of course gets confused once again and runs straight into the rock. I give her a little of our water as she try's to fart, which didn't work so well. All she did was blow out her poop from the last attempt on to the orange rocks. "Finally I get to rest" I said to Finn. "We only have about 2.5 miles left" he said to me annoyed. There is a certain restricted zone that no one is aloud to pass far beyond the rocky mountains ahead. That is our true destination, but we have to travel in sort of a zigzag so they don't catch on to where we are going. After a quick drink we get up to walk again. In the distance all I see is a tiny white spec that is suppose to be a tent or a check point. We are one of the only ones that know it is the beginning of a secret underground tunnel. The tunnel is a safer way to travel so any extra ways to not get caught would be handy. Since the tunnel only goes about 7 miles we need to camp at the end. Once we got to the camp there was a old man guarding the gate. He looked like he has been walking for hours on end. "We have been expecting you" he said as he slowly turns to the gate entry. "How did you know that" I asked. The old man didn't answer. He pulled out his keys and unlocked the gate. "There are a lot of unsolved mysteries aren't there?" He asked. Finn replied "Where is the tunnel?". Then the old man quickly dropped the keys, lifted his hood, and swiftly turned around to Finn. "Are you trying to get us killed?". "What is this about?". He asked. Then I replied "We are trying to get to the restricted zone". Then he grabs the keys and opens the gate. "Come in". He said. I pick up Tibbles and we walk through the gate. The first thing I noticed was the huge glass dome surrounding the building to keep the clean air in. We walked up the this tiny black box. The old man bent down and the box opened up and scanned his eye. Then the glass imploded into an opening which I guess was some type of door. The building was full of food and weapons. Then to my left there were the most uncomfortable looking beds ever. "Well since there are no available beds, it looks like we are sleeping on the concrete floor". Finn said sarcastically. Then all of a sudden the base started to turn invisible and the glass opening squished back together. Then the man said "As you can see, this base is very secure." That night we were all sleeping on the floor and Finn was telling us what he remembers when the keepers actually captured him. He was captured about 5 years ago and the keepers did everything they could to erase every last memory. There was still a lot left. He remembers someone saying "We are about to cross the border" right before they were shot down. Then the next thing he knew he was in a field full of green grass and there was a huge city in the distance. He remembers the beautiful vibrant colors and the blue sky. Then the last thing he remembers was a military hover craft swooping down and picking him up and getting flown the the most beautiful city. Of course I think this is a dream because the only city's like those are 70 light years away on Clissious. "How did you get away?" I asked. "I didn't, I woke up the next day in a field of grass". said Finn. I turn around at the old man who is already asleep. My eyes slowly close and I go to sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2015 ⏰

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