Milk Fic: The Aftermath

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Ryan woke up feeling sore and still slightly blissed out. He turned around to find Brendon's side of the bed empty. He sighed before standing up and putting his clothes on. He found himself wandering into Spencer's room.

"Hey, man." Spencer greeted, shaking some cereal into a bowl. "You and Bren were missing the whole night."

Ryan collapsed on a chair and pressed his forehead on the cool wood of the table in front of him. "We were busy writing."

"Yeah, 'writing'. Shut the fuck up, Ryan, the whole building heard you and Brendon fucking." Spencer rolled his eyes, dropping a bowl of cereal on the table in front of Ryan.

Ryan raised his head, eyes wide. "S-Spencer... We- Brendon and I..." He willed his mouth to form a proper sentence but Spencer's bitch face was scaring him.

Spencer leaned on the counter of the kitchenette and spooned his cereal. "Chill out, man. We figured you guys were doing it by the way Brendon keeps humping you on stage."

Ryan looked down at his bowl and let out a small squeak. "Can I have cereal without milk?" He requested, voice breaking at that damned word.

"Ryan, you hate dry cereal." Spencer said through a mouthful of cereal, pointing his spoon at Ryan.

Ryan closed his eyes, gingerly pushing the bowl away. "I'm gonna... I need a shower." He stood up and dashed out of the room, bumping into Jon and huffing angrily.

"What's up with him?" Jon asked, but Spencer just shrugged. He shrugged back and took Ryan's bowl of shame. "Ugh, ew. Soggy cereal."


Ryan clumsily shed his clothes and jumped into the shower. He turned the shower on and left it at the coldest temperature. He doesn't even remember what exactly happened the night before but Ryan knows he'll never forget that night.

'A moment you'll never remember and a night you'll never forget. Gotta remember that one.' Ryan thought as he opened the hotel bar soap. Ryan loved hotel soap especially if they smelled good. This bar of soap though...

Ryan nearly screamed when the smell of the soap reached his nostrils. "How the fuck is this even possible?" He asked aloud.

"Ryan are you talking to yourself again?"

Ryan dropped the soap in surprise as he hear Brendon's voice. He held his breath as he heard the bathroom door creak open. Brendon has zero sense of personal space.

"Zack's rounding everyone up. You woke up pretty late." Ryan could see Brendon's shadow through the shower curtain and he was sitting on the toilet.

"Tell him to piss off, I'll be ready in five." Ryan snapped, huffing. He saw Brendon's silhouette stand and walk out of the bathroom, leaving the door wide open. "Close the goddamn door!" He yelled and heard Brendon giggling before the door slammed shut.


"Look who decided to show up." Jon spread his arms wide, nearly spilling his... God fucking dammit.

"Mr. McLatepants. Dude, you gotta try this chocolate milk, it's the shit. Jon shoved the carton in Ryan's face but he took a big step back.

"No, thank you." Ryan shook his head vigorously. "I'm fine."

"First dry cereal, now you don't want chocolate milk." Spencer said. "Dude, do you have, like, a problem with milk? You're not lactose intolerant."

Ryan gulped, looking at Brendon who had a shit eating grin plastered on his face. He shook his head. "No. Nothing. No problem with milk at. all."

Is it possible to avoid milk forever?

A/N: I don't own the Milk Fic. I don't own Brendon, Ryan, Spencer, or Jon. Basically, I don't own anything in this fic except for the words and the idea.

It's called a crack!fic for a reason!

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