meet and greets crystals pov Part 2

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Crystal's POV   I was standing in the huge crowd of fans when 5fdp came on stage, man they were so cool !  I stood in the front row cheering for them

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Crystal's POV I was standing in the huge crowd of fans when 5fdp came on stage, man they were so cool ! I stood in the front row cheering for them..... Well until some young sh*head started a fight with a fan. That's when Ivan stood up as he didn't seam with some asshole who was ruining the show for other fans who came all the way out hear as i could hear other people say kick his ass out and things like that and so on 

Ivan's POV look hear if your going to be an asshole for people who came hear to have fun for tonight then I can kick your ass and kick you straight on out buddy now you listen hear if I have to come down their I will you Cissy ass mother fucker as other fans was cheering very happy as I didn't play around when it comes to some dick head or asshole running shows for other people as later that night the show turned out great as now I was heading to go do meet and greets for fans who paid money to come have a good time as I then sit at a booth with the other members of my band of course as I started to take pictures and autograph stuff for people of all ages really as that's when I meet her tonight even though I didn't know her as I was happy to sign all her things as I even took a photo with her and made her day for the night as I made a lot of peoples night really as I soon walked out of the arena I was performing at as I then got on the bus with my band members as I talked to that fan as she looked very pretty as i was highly doubt someone would love me just because I was a total monster that has killed others in the past in the woods with no control at all as I lost it to a blood moon as later the bus then took off as I then turned on the tv and started to watch count custom cars for tonight as our bus driver was driving us to go to the next state of course really  as on the show they was working on one bad ass truck as I soon pulled out my sketchbook and drew in it while watching the car show where they made cool cars that was airbrushed and built all crazy as I was really focused into the show watching it on a channel that I had saved to the tv program as it was getting late as I was also zoned in to my own thoughts in my head for tonight as later I was the only one who stayed up late of course as I then went on my Instagram page and scrolled through on what fans said for tonight's show that me and my band just got done with as I even liked some fans page from the show tonight as I soon came across that girls Instagram and liked some of her post as she popped up on my dating Instagram page as I   wanted to get to know her better more though but I highly doubt she will actually like me because of what I fully was as I soon looked at another post of the girl named crystal that I meet at meet and greets for fans late at night yesterday night of course as Ivan thought in his head she seams like such a badass girl really as i then soon shut my phone off and went straight to bed of course as tomrow I would have one hell of a day to do as tomrow was raining of course as who knows how the next show would go with the conditions of the weather as we would have to see tomrow of course as I had a nightmare late at night about me in my werewolf side as I soon woke up in a cold sweat as I then got up and ran straight to the bathroom as I then threw up getting sick now from eating taco bell that we got backstage from someone who got it for us as I then said no more for me god damit as I soon looked at my eyes as they flashed dark as I soon took some medicine and then I went back and sat on my bed as I then pulled out a syringe and sedated myself to help me sleep of course for the rest of the night getting some rest until tomrow of course as me and the rest of my band members slept peacefully tonight of course as a few hours later for the next day the staff hear in Dallas Texas said out on the jumbo screen and on peoples phones that the weather was too bad to even see the concert for five finger death punch as they made a whole announcement about it as that sucked a lot for fans who came to see five finger death punch hear in Texas as today it was on the news of course as the news channel 5 was down in Texas doing a full report about the flooded concert of five finger death punches fans who lived hear in Texas or was traveling to see them tonight hear in Texas tonight as fans was talking on camera to news channel five tonight as news channel five said fans came hear and camped out and showed up a few weeks or so ago to see five finger death punch tonight but looks like the weather had other plans for metal heads hear in Texas tonight for the show as Ivan and his bandmembers would come out and still do a private show for fans who got stuck in bad weather as they never disappointed fans at all though as Ivan made a post to the  news channel and fans saying that he would still come out even though he was just feeling down under the weather of course for all the fans hear in Texas of course as he always loved his fans and cared about them of course as the news channel would get to see five finger death punch perform live for his fans as they would have a special treat from five finger death punch for tonight as it was going to be a great special little show for fans hear in Texas tonight Ivan's POV I was heading to the flooded concert in Texas to make up for what happened with the weather as I headed to the stage for the fans who came out and still waited in all this bad weather as I then took pictures with fans who had been sleeping out hear just waiting for us as a band as this was really special for them as it made the fans night really as fans cheered and was so happy as later I went on stage with my band as I said on stage umm I was supposed to be resting tonight since I been feeling under the weather but when me and my band herd that you all was stuck and bad weather we wanted to come out and make your night better since you all came to support us we wanted to give back for you all who had stayed out hear in this weather who also paid money for meet and greets and everything as later Ivan singed tons of his songs with his band for all his fans as it turned out to be a great show for the fans hear in Texas who loved five finger death punch as a band as Ivan and five finger death punch spent time with the fans all night as this was just great as Ivan even signed stuff for fans and gave it to them from off the stage as well as he even gave a little girl with cancer one of his hats that he used for the song jackal and Hyde as if you was one of his fans you would know the song as a few hours later Ivan said bye to his fans as he then left on the tour bus and then got some rest as the bus then left Texas and just rested the whole way as he wanted to get better for the next city and state he was heading to as he just rested making sure he was better for the next venue as he didn't check his phone notification's for the next few days or so and everything  as the concert in Texas went amazing as it was all over the news station and channel for people to watch who was fans of five finger death punch and Ivan as well as five finger death punch did great in Texas making fans happy who got flooded out at the at and t stadium a Ivan made post about in Texas about the flooding that happened at the concert venue 

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