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*Sutton's POV*

I was being chased through the woods.

I had never seen these woods before and I didn't know what I was looking for, all I knew was that I was trying to find a highway or a town or something. But the wolves were definitely bigger than me. Even through the mud and swampy nature of these woods, they were gliding through it without even slipping, unlike me. But it felt like every time that they were close enough to get me, something was just barely pulling them back, and it was torture. It felt like the woods were never going to end, and suddenly I found a break! I was almost out! 

"Sutton!" I heard, and the wolves did too, because they stopped. "Sutton!" 

I opened my eyes and Noah was staring at me with fear in his eyes. It had to be really early in the morning, since the sun wasn't too bright. I let out a huge breath, finally waking up. Noah hugged me close to him, knowing that I was awake now. "I'm so sorry," I said into his chest. "I would have warned you that I have nightmares sometimes, but I haven't had one in like a month." 

"It's okay, love, it's not your fault," he whispered, leaving multiple kisses on my head. I tried to gloss past the new term of endearment I just acquired, but I was definitely blushing. "You may have, uh, accidentally hit me though," he admitted.

"No, I didn't!" I said out of embarrassment, not denial. "I'm so, so sorry, where did I hit you?" 

He laughed a little, and I looked at him in confusion. "I'm messing with you, you mostly were just yelling about whatever it was."

"I don't know which is worse," I said, possibly more embarrassed. He laughed a little more, and I wandered off to the bathroom to pee and brush my teeth. I let myself have my moment of embarrassment in there, brooding over the fact that he already had to see me like that. I hadn't had nightmares in at least a few weeks. Which is coincidentally when I met him... so why is it happening while he's here? I spit out my toothpaste and cleaned up, putting out a new toothbrush for him that I had in the cabinet.  

I crawled back into bed with him, almost missing the fact that Leo had curled up next to him where I was. I feigned offense at the scene. "I leave for five minutes and you replace me?!" I joked. He chuckled a little and Leo looked up at me, clearly the happiest he's ever been. I gently laid down to where Leo could exist peacefully between us, but he got upset that I made the bed move and left. I shrugged and snuggled close to Noah, wanting a fresh start to the morning. We stayed like that for a while until both of our stomachs screamed at us, so I listened and got up to make us hashbrowns. Breakfast can be tough for me since I don't like basically any breakfast meats and don't like eggs, but I could eat hashbrowns for every meal every day of my life and never grow tired of them. 

Noah appeared from the bathroom while I was starting the food and hugged me from behind. "Thanks for the toothbrush," he said with a small laugh. "Are you trying to tell me something?" 

"No! I just know that it drives me crazy to not brush my teeth first thing in the morning," I said honestly. 

"Fair, but I think Joe Jonas wrote a whole song about the implications of toothbrushes," he said before planting a kiss on my cheek and leaving me be to play with Jemma. I smiled to myself at the entire scenario, and I knew exactly what he meant by that sentiment. I wouldn't mind being exclusive with him, if he's ready for it. "Do you want me to walk Jemma?" he offered, I guess since she hasn't been out yet.

"If you're dying to, I don't mind," I said with a smile, but then I thought about it. "However, you may catch a charge if you go out there in just boxers, honey." He looked down and blushed. I ran to my room really quick and grabbed him some gray sweatpants that I had bought in the men's section anyway. Plus, you know what they say about gray sweatpants... 

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