Not an update

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Okay everyone so i know this was over like months ago but i just have to say it and yes it's about " Zayn" and that i'm so pissed at him because he said he left the band to be a normal 22 year old but then a week after or something he goes and do songs with freaking Naughty boy like what the hell i hate NB so much like so so much and my love for Zayn is less than before because he's confusing me like seriously.
bit i'm really glad that the guys are still successful without him and that they were in an interview laughing and talking like nothing happened which is very good.
okay i have nothing else to say and i'm gonna stop rambling now i just wanted to get this off my chest
And about putting more books i will try to do it like in a few weeks because exams starts next week so.
Wish me luck everyone
By lovelies :)

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