The interrogation

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The two go into the room and see striker tied to a chair. With all his weapons on the table. Zeek starts getting angry. He goes over to striker and puts his hand in his shoulder. Close to his neck.

Striker: You look familiar. We meet somewhere?

Zeek grabs the back of his head and slams it on the table with brute force.

Loona: Hey!

Striker: No don't worry bout hon. I had it coming a mile away.

Zeek: Don't talk to her fuckface.
He says with a calm threatening tone.

Zeek: That was for my sister. Now that that's out of the way we can play a little game. Called questionair. Short and simple. I ask you answer. If you lie more than once I hang you from the window until I feel like bringing you in. If I don't like the answer the imma just deal with it. So let's get started shall we.
Question one, who hired you to kill my sister?

Striker: Go to hell prick.

Zeek: Already there dick head. Anyway, wrong answer.

Striker: Oh yeah. What now.

Zeek: Well that depends on you. Think of this like a saw game. You seen saw right?

Striker: Yea.

Zeek: Good you had me worried for a second.

As he's talking blitz and Loona are talking too.

Blitz: He's taking this awfully well. I thought he would just burn him right here.

Loona: Yeah. He's full of surprises. I thought the same thing.

Zeek: So we gonna keep going or...

Striker: Yeah. I like this game.

Zeek: good. I need names. Who hired you to kill my sister? We don't have all day.

Striker: I do.

Zeek: Cut your time short cause my patience is weary. Ten seconds to answer each question now.

Striker: Ok. Fine. She never told me her name. But he has a business on earth called around the world inc. but the shit she does is insane.

Zeek: See that wasn't so hard was it.

Striker: Mainly because I can tell your a man of your word. And I like my neck just the way it is.

Zeek: Who said I was hanging you by your neck.

Loona: Wait then where we're you going to hang him from.

Zeek: His feet. Bare feet so it can burn slower. And so his blood can run down into his head causeing him to to have a blood clot and suffocate and pass out. Wake him back up and try again.

Blitz: The fuck. Don't interrogate me then.

Zeek: Ah don't worry about it. So question 2. What's her usual schedule. Where does she goes, hangout, her address. Things like that.

Striker: She likes to hang out at the plaza hotel in New York. The one by Central Park. I didn't get her home address cause she told me that she'll give me my payment once the job is done. She needed both of you dead.

Zeek: Both you say. Ok. Third question. Who took my sister's power from her.

Striker: She had powers?

Zeek: Yes. She did. How did you kill her if she had the same power I had?

Striker: I wasn't alone in this project. There were three guys at her house and two where you lived. Guess they missed you.

Zeek: Guess so. Hmm. Why did she want both of us dead?

Striker: You sister was going to expose her for all the cartels she was involved in. And destroy the thing she built. And knew that you would come for her so she sent more people to deal with you. They have this power restraint that stops you from using you special abilities.

Zeek: So that power restraint was used on her?

Striker: Yes. We put it on her and then that's when we got to work.

Zeek: Ok. Last question? What's her fucking name?

Striker: Martha wells.

Zeek: Thanks striker.

He goes to grab moxie's sniper and points it at striker head.

Striker: Wait wait wait. I told you everything I knew.

Zeek: I never said I was gonna let you go. Game over. Thanks for playing.

Loona: Wait. He's not worth it.

Zeek: You sure bout that? He's cause more pain on me then anyone else.

Loona: Well just then fucking once don't kill him.

Zeek: You care about him or something?

Loona: No just put the gun down zeek. This isnt you.

Zeek: No this is. You just never seen it before. You've only seen the good side of me. Everyone has their darkness. You included. If you were in my position, what would you do? Kill him, or let him go? With their deaths I will find peace.

Striker: Hey man I'm not what you want. Listen to her.

Zeek: don't make mary watch this.

She turns her head and Zeek pulls the trigger.

Striker: Wait NO!!*blam*

Head falls to the floor

Head falls to the floor

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Blitz: Well that was cold blooded

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Blitz: Well that was cold blooded. Maybe more cold then you mox.

Moxie: Ok I'm officially scared now.

Millie: Likewise.

Stolas: His sister is avenged.

Loona: He's not gonna turn against us is he?

Stolas: No of course hes not.

Blitz: He's gonna go after them by himself. We need to stop him. If they get that power restraint on him he's dead. Loonie you ok?

She sits there dramatized by what just happened. Zeek is turning into something else. Something dark.

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