Training with Mk

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The female companion, whose name is Chao-Xing, went to the small kitchen to start preparing for breakfast. She decided to make peach flavored pancakes and grabbed the ingredients that she needed.
By the time she was finished making the pancakes, she heard laughter and decided to bring two plates of pancakes outside to where the sounds were coming from.
As she went outside, she noticed Mk and her partner talking about what Mk needed to do in order to fully understand his powers. Mk notices Chao and waves

"Morning Miss Chao, how you doing?"
Mk asks as she gives Mk a plate of pancakes. "I'm doing just great, and please
Mk, just Chao is fine. I don't want to feel as old as Sun already is."

She points at Sun, which caused him to gasp dramatically

"HEY! Im am not that old!"


As they all finished their breakfast, Chao looked to Mk

"Sooooooo Sunny told me you had a mysterious friend for such a long time now,"

Mk blushes and pokes his lego hands together

"What about her?" He asked a little nervous

"Exactly what is there about her, I'm curious." Chao asked about to finish her last piece of pancakes but saw Sun giving her puppy eyes, and she giggled quietly and fed him her last piece.

"Don't question him too much, or he might overload," Sun asked, enjoying his slice of pancakes that was fed to him

As Mk explains all there is to like about Niuyue, this reminded Chao a time when she used to talk about Sun after the day they first met. Which made her smile as Mk happily talks about his "friend".

The morning turned into the afternoon, and MK had to leave to do his noodle job delivery. As Mk left, Sun scoops her up
And puts her over his shoulder

"H-hey! What are you doing?"She asks suspiciously

"Oh nothing, just carrying a fruit and wondering, "What is she thinking about?"
Sun carries her inside and places her down on the chair in the living room

"Nothing much but wondering what's today's agenda?"

Sun looks at her, and by his expression, he's not buying it

"Stop reading me like a book." She says, annoyed a little but decided on telling him since he was the most important thought of what she was thinking.

"When Mk was talking about his "special friend" it reminded me of when I first met you and how our own little journey of love started and it made me feel so warm and fuzzy like the first time you came into my eyesight."

She explains a little shy smiling when he grabs his hands

"Well, I'm flattered that your eyes caught a nice view of the Monkey King's handsomeness, but I do wish to hear your point of view again."

He kisses her forehead

"But before you begin, let me get a bag of peach chips." He says and goes into the cabinet with many peach chips and grabs one "Ok I'm ready."

Her tail sways a little, and she begins with these words

"Well, it all started in my youthful years...."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14, 2023 ⏰

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