chapter 12

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Doyoung fixed Taeil's blanket, making sure his tiny husband was warm and comfortable before leaving the room and walked to Haru's room.

It's been weeks since the incident in Bali, and Doyoung couldn't blame Taeil for suddenly asking for a divorce. Unlike it was before, Taeil is very serious about his request. He went to the court to get the divorce paper – he signed it and he already set the date for them to come and confirm their divorce.

Doyoung couldn't even stop Taeil because everything happens so fast. Doyoung won't sign the paper even if Taeil's loud, cracking, and trembling voice makes Doyoung feels guilty. It just that, Taeil is his husband and Doyoung won't let Taeil go like that.

He is well aware he was acting very careless but it was never his intention to put Haru in that condition. He still remembers the image of when Taeil can't even stand because his leg was cramped from staying inside the wardrobe for hours. He can feel Taeil's despairing energy.

The day when he sent Doyoung and Haru off at the airport, his voice was so low as if he was really sorry for Haru. He didn't even spare a glance at Doyoung. Taeyong was worried too, it was his idea to bring Haru to Bali because Taeyong missed her so much.

Doyoung sighed deeply as he sat at the edge of Haru's bed. He pats the soft hair, leans down to kiss on the clean forehead. "I am sorry I still can't be a better father for you. I'll make sure you don't need to hide anymore in the future, I promise you." he said softly, Haru whine softly as if giving Doyoung a reaction.

Doyoung doesn't know how will he do that but all he knows is he wanted to be a better father for Haru. He wanted to be the best father for Haru. Doing that, Doyoung needs Taeil by Haru's side. He can't let go of Taeil.

Another sigh left Doyoung's lips, he shut his eyes tight and massage his spinning head. He stands on his foot and walks back to Taeil's room. His pretty Taeil is breathing softly, he had kicked the thick blanket off the bed. His top pajama was pulled up showing his soft tummy and his caesarean scar was very visible.

Thinking about how he was never there when Taeil was pregnant, he was only watching Taeil through the CCTV and he saw how hard was it for Taeil. Of course, Doyoung wanted the best for Taeil of course Taeil wanted Haru to live like other kids her age. He knows how painful for it to hide in a wardrobe as if Haru is a monster.

It was painful for Doyoung too; seeing the rashes on Haru's clean skin because she was allergic to the dust inside the wardrobe. The strong girl didn't cry and made sure to look strong in front of Taeil. A baby girl barely 2 years old is doing more for Taeil than Doyoung will ever be.

"I am sorry, please stay by my side," Doyoung whispered weakly as he brushes Taeil's bangs off his pretty face. "I'll take care of you and Haru. So please stay."

Wendy eyed Taeil who is focusing on his food silently – she knows, Taeil wanted divorce but he isn't strong enough to fight his own feeling and added the fact that Doyoung is clearly obsessive and manipulative. It won't be easy and even if one day Taeil will manage to fight his own feeling to finally get that divorce, Wendy doubts Doyoung will allow it.

Sometimes, Wendy wonders if she really is seeing how Doyoung is obsessive, manipulative and sick or was she just seeing things because she hated Doyoung so much. It doesn't sound so important right now. The important part is Taeil need to be freed from Doyoung, no matter what! No matter how!

Well, it is also confusing. Does Doyoung really love Taeil? The man was always so soft, careful and ready to drop everything for Taeil. Wendy tried to look at Doyoung beyond her hatred toward the man – she keeps focusing on the sharp eyes. Looking if love for Taeil ever hit his chest. Nothing. It was an empty eye. So what was the reason for Doyoung being so obsessed with Taeil? Why would Doyoung insist to keep Taeil by his side? Other than wanting to take care of Haru. Though, Wendy doubted Haru was ever a reason.

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