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**After school I run to her office**

As soon as the school ends I run to M- Larissa's office and knocked.
,,Come in, darling."
,,How'd you know that is was me."
,,Magic." She said and smiled.
,,Umm I wanted to ask you something." I told her her.
,,Yes ofc you can tell me everything and ask me everything."
,,Can we maybe sit on the sofa real quick?"
,,Yes ofc." She came and sat next to me. She took my hands and looked me deeply in the eyes.
,,Umm- I don't know how to start." I asked nervous.
,,Just tell me."
,,Do- do you wanna go on a date with me today?" I said quickly.
,,Omg yes, yes, yes please, i thought something bad happened."
,,We can go to Jericho in my favorite restaurant!" She said.
,,Yes I'll pick you up at 7 pm." I said and got to my dorm.

Wednesday and Enid were already there and we became actually good friends.
,,Where we're you? We were looking for you all day!" Enid said
,,Sorry, I needed to talk with La-Ms Weems about something." I replied
,,I know you two are in love!" Wednesday said emotionless.
,,That's  not true." I said real quick.
,,Mhh." Wednesday answered before she got out of the room.
,,We need To go to Jericho!" Enid said.
Why?" I asked
,,Because of the Poe CUP we need accessories."
,,But we need a drive, I know we can ask La- Ms Weems."
,,ok, let's go." Enid said before we go downstairs.

I knocked at the door and Larissa said that we can come in.

,,Hello La-Ms Weems, could you drive us to Jericho?" I asked.
,,Yeah sure, but why?" She replied
,,We need some things for the Poe Cup." Enid said.

We go in the car and it was already 3 pm so we needed to rush.

,,Thank you Ms Weems." We both said at the same time.
,,I wait here for you two!" She replied.

As soon as we saw the Store with costumes we got in.
,,Omg y/n look at this!" She said.
,,This is a cat."
,,Yeah I know, it's so cute."
,,Ok..." i said a d we bought four of them. We walked back to Larissa and when we arrived at Nevermore Enid got to our dorm. I stayed at Larissa's office.
,,Should I pick you up at 7 pm, you know."
,,Yes I know, see you." She said and gave me a kiss in the air.

I was on my way to my dorm till I thought I need a book from the library, for love. I got there and looked,suddenly Ms Thornhill came and asked me:
,,Hey y/n, I never saw a student really looking for a book. What are you looking for?"
,,Hello Ms Thornhill, Umm- nothing I just look for some books I can read!" I said anxious I mean she can't find out this with me and Ms Weems.
,,Ok, but if you need me then just come to my room you know where it is." She said and winked to me.

It was already 6 and I was on my way to my dorm to dress me up. I wore this dress:

I was in front of her door and knocked she opened the door super quickly

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

I was in front of her door and knocked she opened the door super quickly.
,,Hello darling, you look so hot!" She said with a sexy voice.
,,Hello my love, I almost fainted as soon as I saw you." You replied and she smiled

We got in her car a drove to Jericho.


Larissa Weems x readerTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang