Chapter 4

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Chase goes to hang up the phone

Tracker: (crying) chase......

Chase: Are you crying?

Tracker: of course I'm crying. Chase all that stuff you said. take it back

Chase: what

Tracker: chase I would be proud it our puppy grew up to be just partially like you

Chase: no tracker I'm the way I am though years of child abuse. Depression. Being alone. Tracker there's no reason he should be like me. Cause if he is I will come back from the dead and kill you

Tracker: what do you mean back from the dead

Chase: .........

Tracker: chase whatever it is your planing don't

Chase: tracker I've lost everything because of what I did. I can't enter any city, town, heck even villages. Without getting harassed. I've been kicked, stepped on, spit at, thrown, and almost stabbed more times than I can count. And the worst injury happened the same day Marshall found out I was alive. I was literally thrown out of the building I was staying in and into the rain. I landed sideways and my front left leg hit the ground first. I haven't been able to put weight on it, or do much of anything with it since there is no doubt in my mind that it broke. And thanks to Marshall I had known how to make a splint and set the bones which I did and everything with it was fine for 2 days when I got kicked again breaking the splint and messing up the bones to where I couldn't set them anymore.

Tracker: oh my gosh chase. That's horrible

Chase: tracker thanks for giving me a chance to talk. Tell the others I said sorry for everything I did. And that I'm actually doing it this time


Tracker: what was that

Chase: a train


Chase: tracker I'm sorry I don't have anything left in this world

Tracker: chase please

Chase: I'm sorry


Tracker: hello chase are... he hung up

Chase: huh this is it I'm doing it.

Chase steps onto the train tracks

Back at the lookout

Tracker: GUYS

Marshall Zuma and rocky: what

tracker: it's chase he's

Marshall: don't care

Zuma and rocky: ya no offense but we don't care either

Tracker: but he's plans on jumping in front of a train

Marshall: Good and why do you care I thought you hated him, You literally cheated on him

Tracker: chase called me and told me something that just broke my heart

Marshall: what did he say

Tracker: he asked me to make sure our puppy doesn't end up anything like him and

Marshall: well at least he cares enough about that puppy


Marshall: sorry

Tracker: anyway after he said that he said he has always known from day one that we all hated him. That whenever he walked up to us he could see them energy and excitement and joy leave us. And from our facial expressions he knew we wanted him to go away. And that we would all have been a lot happier if he was never born

Marshall: ........... he he thinks we've always hated him

Zuma: but that's not true

Rocky: especially not the part about us being way happier had he never been born

Tracker: Chase reasoning behind thinking we would be happier is Marshall would have been the first pup Ryder adopted. Marshall would probably be the leader. He  wouldn't be here to annoy us by waking us up so early to train.

Marshall: (crying) omg chase I'm sorry

Back to chase


Chase: huh finally a train. Better hide in that bush so they don't slow down to avoid me

3 minutes later


chase: ok 5.... 4.... 3.... 2.... 1.... JUMP

As Chase flies out of the bush his entire life flashes before his eyes

all of his Happy memories long forgotten memories that were repressed by his depression

Chase's Memories

Marshall: ha ha ha I love you chase

Ryder: we all do

Chase: I love you guys too

Marshall: remember chase no matter how annoying, stupid, or bad of a thing you do we will Always love you even if we don't show it


Chase: (i don't want to die) I DON'T WANT TO DIE.... Ugh

Chase how could youWhere stories live. Discover now