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its been a couple of weeks since Jax and I married. since then we've been at each other like jaguars in matting season. 

when he's not doing anything at the garage or for the club he's at my place of work fucking me so damn good.

when I'm not busy at work or I'm not at work I'm at the clubhouse riding his cock and I'm in the back of a customer's car getting railed by Jax.

we've had close calls with the guys catching us or walking in as well as Gemma.

just the other day Gemma took me to the store to get a pregnancy test saying 

"with the amount of fucking you two do. I would almost bet you're pregnant."

"I'd not be opposed to it" I replied after I bought the box of tests.

"lets not wait, just go in the back and take them here" she says

so I did and none of them came back positive.

"damn" Gemma says when I showed all the tests that had negative.

Now here I am in the clubhouse since I took the day off. I decided to just hang out at the clubhouse.

"so Lass how is married life traeting ya?" Chibs asked as he came and sat beside me at the bar.

"its great. nothing to complain about" I replied

"cause you and Jax are fucking like rabbits" Opie comments 

I laughed 

"how else are we to have a baby Opie?" I asked

"how the fuck are you not pregnant by now?" he asked

"no clue" I replied

"lets go try more" Jax says having just gotten back from doing a tow.

He walked up and gave me a kiss before wrapping his arms around me.

"cant JT is about to call church" Tig says

"after and if I don't have to leave" Jax says before  kissing me again

After JT called church I walked out and across the lot to  the garage.

"I'm thinking of adding a little play are so when you and Jax ever have a baby and they get older they'll have someone to play while you are busy making their sibling" Gemma says

I slap her shoulder and shake my head.

"don't shake your head at me you cant stay off my son's dick." she says

"beats having porn pussy, or crow pussy on his cock doesn't it?" I asked

"fuck yea" she says

I sat there for a little bit talking to her before I head back towards the clubhouse.

"gotta make a quick run to check on something. but when I get back you're mine" Jax says

"alright baby. you guys sty safe out there" I say

"we will " Opie and chibs says

"I'll try" Jax says

"keep him otta trouble you two" I say pointing to Opie and Chibs.

"we will do our damndest" they replied

I nodded my head before I sat at the picnic table while they headed over to their bikes and left.

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