Chapter 3

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You know I was feeling productive so you guys are lucky because you're getting two chapters in one day. So onto chapter 3!

Thomas walks out of the makeshift med-jack hut. He was impressed with how fast people got it up. Thomas walks toward Minho at the same time Minho walks toward him.

" How's Teresa holding up?" Minho asks.

" She's doing alright, says her leg hurts and nothing else but I don't buy it," Thomas replies.

" Why don't you believe her? I mean you literally risked your life for her back there in the headquarters." Minho pointed out.

" Minho listen, I have known her for a long time, and I know that I have had or have feelings for her. When I saw her she was just in so much pain even though she tried to hide it, anyone could've looked t her and could've seen it by the look on her face. She was also distracted like she was lost in thought." Thomas says.

" I don't know but maybe it could be the fact that she saved your life, put hers in danger, had to leave you back in the Scorch and torture plus betray you at the same time, didn't have time to get to know you since we literally ran the maze all day had dinner then go to sleep, but even if she didn't have that much time to get to know you she still did even without her memories to help her and she still trusts you. Also, remember when she came up in that box, she was scared out of her mind, poor thing couldn't even talk to us only you. So maybe when you didn't forgive her for a while she probably was confused about what WICKED wanted her to do. But hell now we are somewhere without any civilization that we know of and she has a broken leg." Minho says.

" You're right." Thomas acknowledges, but then remembers all the things Minho said about Teresa after she betrayed him. So Thomas asks,

" Love your speech and all but where did that come from, weren't you the one who called her a backstabbing, betraying person?" 

" Well you know things change, ever since she saved your life I've respected her. After Alby, Chuck, Winston, and now Newt I can't lose anyone else. Even if it is Teresa." Minho confessed.

Before Thomas could respond a person started screaming bloody murder.

Oop! Cliffhanger! Who do you think it will be screaming? Just you wait and see what's in store for the next chapter. Well, I stopped watching Teen Wolf because I felt like I had to update, soooo I'm gonna go back to watching. BYE GUYS!

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